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Night Fury(/ies):

Glacier: girl, 18 - dark indigo blue, sage green eyes


Dalfon: boy, 14 - icy blue, yellow eyes


Heatwave: boy, 19 - light blue, even lighter blue eyes

Nori: boy, 18 - light green, even lighter green eyes


Dusk: girl, 11 - yellow with pink stripes, yellow eyes

Monstrous Nightmare(/s):

Death: boy, 16 - black with electric blue scales, electric blue eyes


Chameleon: girl, 21 - gray(when not blending), white eyes


Leaf: girl, 6 - light green, forest green eyes}]

"So I have something important to say," you announced to the Council of Lonebreeze. "You all know that Berkians think I'm dead," you said, pacing in front of the 8 dragons. "Which is why, we have to be even more careful from now on because lately, Hiccup and his friends have flown near Lonebreeze. Which is weird, because we're way out of the archipelago. But if this island doesn't look lifeless, he'll come to investigate it and bam! I'm found. I'm not saying that I want everyone to believe I'm dead forever. It's just that it's not the time yet. I feel it. Any questions?"

The dragons shook their heads. "Great. Now does anyone have any problems that need to be addressed?" The dragons shook their heads again. "Alright then. The official part of the meeting is over. It's chill time."

"You down for a flight, Y/n?" Glacier asked, nudging your arm.

"Thought you'd never ask," you grinned, pulling your hair back in a messy ponytail. During the last few years, your h/c hair had grown to the middle of your back. But you still kept the signature braid on the right side of your head. It was one of those beautiful medium-sized braids that stay on the top of your hair. And when you made a ponytail, you also pulled the braid back with the rest of your hair. It made sense to you.


Soaring through the sky was one of your favorite feelings. As you were enjoying the breeze in your face, Glacier suddenly stopped and you opened your eyes. You saw Hiccup and Astrid on a rock, talking about something.

"Wow," you muttered. "Guess they've grown up too. Wonder what they're talking about." As your curiosity got the best of you, you instructed Glacier to go behind another pillar and dive under the water there so you could resurface in a way that gave you the chance to overhear the conversation.

"Well if we can't find a new dragon species, then at least I want to find Glacier. I'm sure that even if Y/n died, Glacier definitely survived the battle with the Red Death," Hiccup told Astrid.

"Why do you still care so much, Hiccup?" you heard Astrid ask. "I mean she was your first friend but you have us now."

"Yes, but... Before she had to start helping with the fires and me at Gobber's, we were actually really good friends. In secret though because her mother didn't want her to be friends with someone that wouldn't be able to defend her. And now that she died in an event that I survived, I feel like her mother was right about me," Hiccup explained to Astrid and you could feel a sad smile gracing your lips.

Me pretending not to know him must have really hurt him... But I couldn't let mother know that I was friends with him. I'm actually very surprised that she didn't get suspicious when I suddenly got along so well with him.

You heard Astrid sigh. "Me and Stormfly are going back to Berk. Just think about what I said before, okay." Astrid flew away and silence filled the air for a bit.

A few moments later, you heard wings flapping and patted Glacier on the neck. "They're gone now. Let's head back to Lonebreeze."

The Journey - Book 8 (RTTE X OCish Reader) /DISCONTINUED/Where stories live. Discover now