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You sighed. Quite honestly speaking, you were surprised he didn't try to torture you or get you to speak any more. You didn't know the reason but he probably thought that with time, you would crack under the pressure.

You weren't sure how long it had been. All you knew from the talk on the ship was the fact that some time ago, could've also been only a day, Dagur surprise-attacked Berk. As for you and him, you've had plenty of one-sided conversations - of course, he was the main talker.

As for you, you had gotten a lot weaker. You didn't have enough room to stand up and if you would've, you doubted you could. Your body was sore from just laying on the wooden floor all the time and you barely even thought any more. For at least a few days now, you had been completely dull. You even ate barely half of what was given you now, hence you were very skinny. But honestly, you didn't care. You had already given up on any hope of getting out of there and there was no way you'd rat Hiccup and the other house. After all, despite everything, there was still a moral compass in your heart.



You woke from your light sleep to the shouts. You only sighed slightly and tried to fall asleep again. But that one little feeling in you didn't let you. Something in you still cared. So you sat up, leaning your back against the wooden wall and looked at the bars.


It had been a few hours of the same now and you were seriously thinking about going back to sleep now. There's nothing you could do anyway.

"Hold the fire! You too, Hiccup! I have an offer!" you heard Dagur yell. Your eyes widened, all traces of sleep finally gone. You knew what was about to happen next. One of the soldiers came and opened your cage, making it squeak from not moving for weeks or even a month.

The guard yanked you up by your arms and half dragged you on the ship deck. Even though it was only early morning, you squinted your eyes to the light outside. You saw Hiccup and Toothless up in the air looking to the main ship which you were on and the rest of the Gang, minus Astrid, gathered around the two.


The Journey - Book 8 (RTTE X OCish Reader) /DISCONTINUED/Where stories live. Discover now