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"Thank you," you hugged her. "You're the best."

"So that's it," you ended your story. It took a good few hours of explaining to get them to understand everything.

"So let me get one thing straight. You have enhanced hearing and eyesight and you can understand dragons because some of the Red Death's blood went into your system through your shoulder?" Hiccup asked, trying to clarify.

"She also swallowed some of it," Glacier remarked.

"I WHAT, GLACIER?! That's disgusting!" you asked, drawing away from her.

She laughed in her dragonly way. "That's why I never told you."

You took a deep breath, shuddering a bit from the thought.

"What'd she say?" Hiccup asked curiously.

"You don't want to know," you sighed.

"Ooh, ooh! Can you ask Hookfang what he thinks of me?" Snotlout asks, jumping up from the floor of the clubhouse.

You turned your head to Hookfang, waiting for his answer. "He's a little brat but I wouldn't trade him for any other Rider."

"Pft," you laughed. "That's awesome."

"What'd he say?" Snotlout asked.

"You're a little brat but he wouldn't trade you for anyone."

"See! He loves me- wait what?"

Everyone laughed for a bit.

"So are you staying on Dragons' Edge?" Hiccup asked, looking at you.

"Nah. I have to go back to Lonebreeze. My home is there."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure," you answered, standing up. A roar was heard from outside.

"Leaf?!" you asked in astonishment, stepping out from the clubhouse. "What are you doing here, Goofball?"

"The sun set a while ago so the others sent me because they knew you wouldn't be able to get mad at me," she confessed, making you notice the stars that were flickering outside.

"Sorry," you grimaced. "Don't worry though, we're coming home right now. Glacier, come on!" Glacier bounced out of the clubhouse and you got on her back, ready to fly away.

"You sure you have to go?" Hiccup asked, also coming out of the clubhouse.

"Yeah. I'll be back tomorrow morning though. I'm pretty sure the dragons would like to properly meet you guys," you smiled.

"Alright," he nodded. "Good night!"

"Night!" you called before Glacier flew off into the night, Leaf coming right after you two.

The Journey - Book 8 (RTTE X OCish Reader) /DISCONTINUED/Where stories live. Discover now