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"Sure, Goofball," you chuckled. As you weren't watching, Hiccup smiled softly at you.

"Sorry, I'm late!" a voice announced from the sky as you, along with the Gang, set yourself down to sit.

"Look who decided to show up," you mocked playfully. "Everyone, this is Dalfon, he's 14."

Hiccup's face had the look of realization. "The day with the Skrill, I- I saw him!"

"Yup, definitely," you smiled awkwardly. "We were there."

"Were where?" Glacier asked.

"Outcast Island," you said uncertainly, knowing what was about to come next.

"You went to Outcast Island without me!? You could've gotten hurt!" she scolded, licking your face.

"Sorry," you smirked. "You were out giving a flying lesson to Leaf."

"Don't drag me into this," the green dragon growled.

"Sorry, sorry," you chuckled.

"What are they saying?" Ruffnut whispered to Tuffnut.

"No idea," he answered before deciding to draw your attention. "Erm, Y/n, you are aware that we can only understand your voice, yeah?"

"Completely," you nodded. "I just decided to ignore and forget that fact because it would change my lifestyle, which I am very content with right now, thanks for asking."

"Um," Hiccup spoke up. "So you've helped us multiple times before, so last night, we were thinking..."

"Well, most of us," Snotlout interrupted. "The twins don't seem to be capable of doing that."

"We were thinking," Hiccup raised his voice slightly, glaring at Snotlout lightly from the corner of his eye. "Would you like to join us?"

The Journey - Book 8 (RTTE X OCish Reader) /DISCONTINUED/Where stories live. Discover now