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"No!" Astrid denied, quickly flying in front of them. "Let her be. She just lost her home of 3 years."

Over the course of the next few days, you just mostly sat on the beach, overlooking the water. Hiccup had told you that the offer of moving to Lonebreeze was still in the air but you felt like you didn't really have a choice anymore. Besides, the dragons liked it there.

And yet, you had made up your mind. You did feel a bit selfish thinking like that but you still gathered together all your dragons, put their saddles on Dalfon and Heatwave, packed everything and climbed onto Glacier's back.

"We're leaving," you announced to the Gang.

"But, why?" Hiccup asked, "Don't you like it here?"

"I do, but I never belonged here. I was away for three years and before that, I never really talked to anyone during dragon training except for you. So I don't see why you're trying to accept me now."

As you fell quiet, you signaled Glacier to fly and as Glacier did, so did the rest of the former Lonebreezians.


It had been a few weeks of going from one campsite to another, using up all the resources in every place before moving on. All the while, dragons took turns to go and look for suitable islands to permanently inhabit. And now, for the second time, it was you and Glacier's turn.

This time, you had to go during the night to even find a new stop because the resources of the campsite were about to end and every single one of the dragons was almost too tired to fly anymore.

You yawned, looking over the sea. "You know, Glacier," you said, patting the dragon. "If I wasn't so stubborn, I would go back to The Edge now, but I am so we'll keep looking. Besides, it would just be even more awkward to go back now."

"Yeah," Glacier agreed. "We aren't going to give up."

You nodded, though she couldn't see it. "But if anything happens to me, you have to go and lead the others back to The Edge, where you're safe, alright? And do not come looking for me, it's too dangerous. Even with Hiccup and the others."

"Yeah, but why are you telling me this now?" Glacier asked after agreeing rather reluctantly.

You chuckled softly. "Dagur's out there. Anything could happen at this point."

The Journey - Book 8 (RTTE X OCish Reader) /DISCONTINUED/Where stories live. Discover now