Chapter Seventeen

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Had a bit of time to update, so here I am! It's almost Superbowl time! Who are you all wanting to win? 49ers or Ravens????

Two more chapters after this!

Going back to school was pretty rough. Everyone was constantly bugging me about the court hearing and what had happened. The bullying got worse from the new popular people, and the little appetite I had gained back went away again.

I had no energy for anything. I was just grateful I had no sports, because there was no way I would be able to participate without passing out from exhaustion. My grades were slipping because I couldn't concentrate.

Every day after school I would fall asleep the second I got home, and wouldn't wake up until the absolutely last minute before I had to leave for school. I didn't tell Karla or Josh because I knew how worried they would get.

My parents were also getting even more concerned for my health and safety. I hid how I wasn't eating by just grabbing an apple or granola bar and pretending to eat it at school. My teachers were concerned, and I was held after class on a few occasions to make sure I was okay.

I said I was, but I really wasn't. I couldn't help but think of how fat and ugly I was, and how stupid and depressed I was getting. 

"Alex, are you listening?!"

I snapped my head up and glanced at the board. "Yes," I quickly replied.

"Then what is the answer to number two?"

"Trojan War," I answered, before dropping my head again.

Each of my classes dragged on extremely slowly. I couldn't even think, let alone try and pay attention. All of my teachers were cutting me some slack, since I was normally a very good student.

It was Karla's birthday, so that was the one reason I was happy. Her party was right after school; we were going bowling and then back to her house for a sleepover. It was me, her, and our friends Sami, Ali, and Danielle.

As soon as school was out, we went to her dad's car, and he drove us to the bowling alley, where we got our shoes and got ready to bowl. We were sharing a lane, and I was going last, luckily.

We all sat at the table near our lane, and talked while we took turns bowling. When I was up, I picked up the ball, staggering a little as I walked, and shot it down the lane twice, gaining six points in all.

After another two hours of three games, we piled back into Karla's dad's car to drive back to her house for the sleepover. 

We watched a couple of movies and then decided to have a pillow fight. I stood up to hit Karla, but I suddenly got dizzy and quickly sat down again. A couple minutes later, I was fine, so I stood up to hit Danielle this time.

But I hit the floor and hit my head before I could.

The next time I opened my eyes, I was in a hospital room with a bunch of people crowding around me.

"Sorry for ruining your party," I whispered hoarsely to Karla.

She gave me a watery smile. "You didn't ruin it."

"So, what exactly happened?" I asked, putting my head up a little.

A doctor that walked into the room spoke. "I can answer that. You fainted due to malnourishment, Alex. Severe malnourishment. You now have a concussion, and have been unconscious for roughly two and a half hours."

"Okay. When can I leave?" I asked.

"That's the thing. You are too malnourished to leave. You will be here at least a week while we give you nutrients back. You will also be seeing a therapist to talk to."

"I'm fine, though!" I protested weakly.

"Alex, you're anorexic. You are over thirty pounds less than a healthy weight for a girl your size and age. You need help."

"Alright, alright. Where are my parents?"

"We're right here!" my mom said, rushing in, pulling my dad along with her. "What exactly is going on with Alex, and why is she in the hospital again?"

"Your daughter has a concussion, Mrs. Burnham. She fainted due to malnourishment and hit her head on the floor. She is anorexic," he finished.

"A-anorexic?" my dad gasped out, while my mom burst into tears.

"I need everyone but three people to leave!" the doctor announced, and everyone but my parents and Karla left the room, closing the door softly behind them.

"Honey, why didn't you tell us?" my mom cried softly, stroking my hair as I looked up at her, guilt in my eyes.

"I didn't think it was serious," I admitted, biting my lip and looking down at my hands. 

"Alex, I'm so sorry! I should have noticed sooner, I didn't. I can't believe I didn't realize this, after my mom, I'm so sorry, I''m a terrible person!" Karla rambled, bursting into tears.

"Karla, it's not your fault, at all," my dad said firmly. "Please don't blame yourself for this happening."

"I swear, it's not your fault," I reassured her, giving her a small, weak smile as I grabbed her hand and gave it a quick squeeze.

Josh then came into the room and gave me a huge hug. "Alex, I'm so sorry, I just found out!"

"Josh, it's fine! I'm fine," I promised, smiling weakly.

"I hate the hospital!" I groaned, flopping back down onto the hard hospital bed. "Ow!"

"Sorry, but you're stuck here for at least another three days," Josh snickered from across the room.

I reached behind me and grabbed an extra pillow, flinging it at him.

"Ow!" he whined, rubbing his face where it hit him.

"Good!" I exclaimed, grinning and sitting up. "You wanna leave?"

"You have to go in the wheelchair," he pointed out, pulling it from behind the door.

"Do I have to?" I asked, making a puppy face.

"Yes! Now get in if you want to have some fun," he said, and I slowly walked and sat down in it.

I was dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie, with my hair up in a bun, no makeup. I grabbed my phone off the bed and settled myself into the wheelchair.

"Let's go!" I cried, pointing down the hallway. "Hi Ann!" I called, waving to my nurse.

Laughing, she waved back. "Have fun, you two!"

Josh wheeled me down the hallway, laughing as he almost knocked me into the wall. "Wanna go visit some people?" he grinned, taking a sharp left as I almost fell out of the chair.

"Yeah, go to the oncology ward," I instructed, giving him the directions on how to get there. "Hey Lauren, can we go visit?" I asked the nurse.

"Yeah, sure honey. Go ahead," she replied, waving us through.

Josh wheeled me to the teen room, where about six people my age were talking and joking around. But one boy caught my eye. He was around my age, tall and tan with deep blue eyes. His hair was gone, but I could tell it was a sandy brown at some point.

"Josh, you can go, I want to talk to people," I whispered. He followed my gaze and grinned as he saw I was eyeing the boy, and nodded, whispering for me to text him when I wanted to leave.

I wheeled over to the boy, who brightened up immediately. "Hi!" he said.

"Hey! I'm Alex."

"Justin. You don't look sick, why are you here?"

I could immediately tell he wouldn't judge me. "It's a really long story."

"I've got all the time in the world."

I apologize for the filler chapter that is super short! I just wanted to update before tomorrow because I will have a ton of homework this week, and I know you want an update! So, please tell me what you think! 

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