Chapter Thirteen

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Long time, I know....really, I have no excuse. But.................

I had Writer's Block. (I know, I know, stupid excuse.)

I have a dance competition in less than 2 weeks

AND I have to get high school stuff all set. I'm under a ton of stress okay?

OH! And this is in the Watty Awards, so pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee vote and comment and fan for it, okay? I want to get at least "On the Rise."

 Dedicated to Lindy Windy because she was the first to comment last chapter!

Anyways, onto the chapter!!!!!

It All Started With a Text....

Chapter Thirteen

It was silent for about three seconds. Then, it was chaos. After about ten seconds of it, Linda whistled sharply.

"Calm down! We are leaving on Saturday, and nationals this year is in Florida. We are taking our remix cheer, and that's it; we are only allowed to take one cheer. We're performing Monday, and we are leaving early Tuesday. All Sunday is used for practices. Got it?"

We all nodded, and resumed our excited talking. I asked, "Are we having extra practices?"

"Yes, actually. Thursday from four to eight. Saturday from eight to ten, and we will ride to the airport together from school. I already have the flights and hotels booked. Now, you are dismissed."

We all changed and grabbed our bags before our dates showed up. I gave Josh a kiss and told him all about nationals over our dinner. We hung out until eight, and then he kissed me as my mom came and picked me up.

I told her all about nationals, and then we went and picked up Karla from her date, and then we did our homework quickly.

"Are you excited for nationals?" I asked, tapping my pencil against my notebook.

"Oh my gosh, yes! It is going to be awesome!" she replied, shoving her stuff in her backpack.

We chatted until we eventually fell asleep on my bed at three in the morning. So we were a little shocked when my alarm blared in my ear the next morning.

I sat up and tumbled out of bed. "Ow," I groaned. My shoulder suddenly started to hurt.

"What?" Karla asked sleepily, darting up.

"Get my mom, I think I hurt my shoulder," I said, clutching my right shoulder.

She got my mom, who ran up quickly. "Karla, you dislocated it. You have to get it popped back in. Want me to do it?"

I nodded, gritting my teeth. Five seconds of pain later, my shoulder was fine. I was left alone to get dressed, so I threw on a pretty blue and purple sundress, and some black sandals.

I curled my hair and pinned my bangs back, and put on some makeup. Then I grabbed my backpack and started hurrying down the stairs. I suddenly tripped and went clattering down the stairs.

"Alex- what on earth?" Mom exclaimed, helping me up gently, my left ankle wobbling. "Are you okay?"

"I rolled my ankle," I replied, grimacing as my mom rolled it.

"It's going to be a bad day," she told me, which I grinned a little at. "Did it twist, or pop, or crack?"

"Popped," I replied, and saw Karla running down the hall and tripping over the open closet door, and going flying in the air and landing on her ankle.

"Karla!" I exclaimed.

"My ankle popped," she said, scrunching her eyebrows together.

"You both sprained your ankles!" my mom exclaimed.

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