Special Chapter- Karla POV

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First Special Chapter! These aren't going to be very long, and there will only be a few of them. I won't be able to update again until late tomorrow or Tuesday, because I have dance soon and then I'm spending the night at my grandparent's house.

This chapter is Karla's POV from when she first noticed Alex had started showing signs of an eating disorder.

Alex was really starting to worry me. Ever since she started getting those texts', she's been depressed and she hasn't been eating much. I made her promise she would talk to me about it if she needed to, but knowing her, she wouldn't want that burden on me.

Ever since my mom died when I was twelve, I have been extremely watchful of all of my friends ot make sure none of them ended up like my mom. And Alex was starting to.

At lunch, she had barely anything in her lunch. "You promised me they weren't getting to you," I whispered to her, glancing at her lunch.

"They're not," she said. "I'm just not hungry, that's all. I ate a really big breakfast."

She was lying. She always looked down when she wasn't telling me the truth. "Please, Alex," I begged her. "You can't do this to yourself."

"I'm fine, I swear!" she protested, and then turned her attention back to her lunch.

She knows how sensitive I am about eating disorders and stuff like that. She went through the same thing I experienced with my mom, because she was a mom to the both of us. And I can't go through that again, especially with my own best friend, who is basically my sister.

In gym, it only got worse. She didn't wear her normal clothes; she was wearing baggy sweats and a T-shirt, instead of her shorts and tank top she usually wore.

The rest of our classes, she was quiet, which was weird for her. She's usually the one who always raises her hand and answers the questions. I could tell the teachers were concerned, and didn't know what was going on. A couple sent glances my way, and I just shrugged to them and they let it go.

When I got home, I went straight to my closet, where my mom's stuff was. Sighing, I pulled out her journal and flipped open to the page I had bookmarked. I settled myself on my bed and began to read.

I can't do this anymore. I don't know how long I can hide this from them, especially Karla. She's so young, she has no idea what is really going on. And I know that she sees something is wrong, just doesn't know what.

I have to find a solution for this. There's no way she doesn't see how little I'm eating. She asked the other day why I was so tired, and I had no idea what to say to her. And Brian, he knows what's going on and he wants ot me stop. I want to stop to, believe me, I do.

But I can't seem to get out of this mind state. I really hope I can soon, because I don't know what else to do.

When I was done reading, closed the book slowly and wiped the lone tear that slipped down my cheek.

I have to help her.

Bad, I know, but I had no idea what else to write. I am going to do my next one in Josh's POV, and comment any other ideas you have!

Xoxo <3

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