Chapter Nineteen (Final Chapter!!)

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I know I promised to upload this a couple days ago, but I had Writer's Block. And homework. But I'm on break from school for a week, so as soon as I get all my homework done all my focus will be on my new story I will be writing. 

So, very interesting last chapter. This connects very deeply to the prologue. When I first wrote the prologue, I didn't even think to connect it and the last chapter, but I decided to. And it's not connected in the way you may imagine ;) This is not going to be extremely long, and some people may hate me for the end, but there will be an epilogue! If you want a sequel, let me know some ideas because I don't have any plans for one, but if I get a couple requests and some ideas for what you want it to be about, please comment!

Sorry for the long Author's Note, here's the story now!

"What are you doing here?" I hissed, standing up tall.

"Aw, did someone miss me? I thought the fattie was happy to see me gone." her voice was sickly sweet.

"Oh, I was. How did you even get back in here? And aren't you supposed to be away from me? By a legal restraining order?" I retorted.

"I think that could be rearranged a little to have it removed. I never did anything to you. Or your barbie friend. All I did was tell you the truth: you're a fat, stuck up, and ugly conceited brat. There's nothing wrong with the truth."

"Oh, but there is when it causes depression and anorexia!" I snapped, and then slapped my hand over my mouth. I did not just admit that....

"My plan worked! Yay, I'm so happy!" she exclaimed.

"Okay, that's enough," Karla interrupted. "You need to leave us alone. We haven't done anything to you. So just go away and stay out of our lives'."

Cassandra just smirked and turned on her heel, walking away.

"Why is she back?" I cried, sinking down to the ground. 

"I don't know, but just go back in there. For me, okay?"

"Fine, let's go."

Tryouts were tough, considering I'd done nothing active for over a month. I kept inconspicuously pulling my shorts down, trying to cover my legs. Karla noticed and swatted my hand away, frowning at me while I shrugged sheepishly.

"Sorry," I whispered, before paying attention to the coach.

At the end, she called out, "Okay, the results will be posted next week. Thank you for coming, and don't be discouraged if you don't make it, we had a lot of talent come today!"

Same speech for every single sport. It gets boring after a while. Apparently Karla was thinking the same thing, because she whispered, "Same speech every time!"

I laughed and nodded. "Definitely."

Right as we were walking out, I heard a shout, "Hey Alex, this is for you!"

And then I felt something sharp hit my head. And then it all went back. (A/N: remind anyone of another chapter? ;))

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groaned, reaching for the annoying sound to try and get it to stop.

"Oh look, it's sleeping beauty." I heard someone say. My eyes fluttered open and saw Justin staring at me.

"Hi!" I exclaimed, trying to sit up.

"Hey, you can't sit up yet, you have a really bad concussion."

That's when I felt the pain in my head. "Ow," I mumbled, sighing and laying back down.

"Cassandra came back," he whispered, squeezing my hand. "Are you okay?"

"No," I admitted. "What did Cassandra even hit me with? It was sharp!"

"That would be her phone. The corner was chipped, and that corner hit you pretty hard. They looked at it, the glass was really jagged. By the way, she is being detained at the police station."

"Oh, okay. But I know there's something else going on, so please tell me."

"I think it'd be best for someone else to tell you," he admitted. 

"No, please. I need to hear it from you, because I know there's no pity because you know what I'm going through."

"More than you know," he mumbled.



"We're here! Oh, Alex, you're awake. Thank God!" my mom exclaimed, rushing over and hugging me tightly. 

"What is wrong with me?" I asked, bluntly.

"The doctor's found something in your MRI," my dad said quietly. "It's a brain tumor."

"Yeah, right," I said sarcastically. "Now tell me what's really wrong."

No one answered. 

"Wait, you're not kidding?" I asked. 

"I wished we were," Karla answered, a tear falling down her cheek. "You have to have chemotherapy and another scan to see how bad it is."

"Hey, on the bright side, you'll be with me in the hospital," Justin pointed out, giving me a weak smile.

"Yeah," I whispered. "That's good."

"You have to have your scan now," a nurse announced, walking into the room. "Let's get you set up."

"We'll be right here when you're done," Justin said, smiling at me. 

"Alright." I was wheeled off into another room and placed in the MRI machine. 

It took a half hour, which was full of me trying to relax and almost having a panic attack twice. "Was it bad?" Justin asked as I was wheeled back into the room.

"Almost had a couple panic attacks, but nothing too bad." I replied, giving him a small smile.

"Happens to me every time I have a scan. I had one yesterday. It sucked," he told me. I grinned, grateful for him changing the subject.

We all talked for an hour before another doctor came in and we fell silent. "We have the results," he told us. "Alex, we saw that the tumor is fairly severe. Chemotherapy isn't going to be enough to fix it. We have to do surgery, preferably today, if possible."

"Will-will the surgery work?" I whispered, looking at my hands.

"There is a fifty-fifty chance of it working. We will try everything in our power to remove it. Alex, you're a fighter, and we think that you can get through this," he answered. "Do you want to do the surgery today?"

"Yes, please. Just get it over with," I responded. 

And now all I can do is la here and pray that everything will be alright in the end.

Yes, that is the end! I know, people are going to hate me for ending it like that, but it connected to the prologue, didn't it? ;)

I never planned for it to end that way. I originally thought that I would have her relapse and go back in the hospital for anorexia again, but then I though that was too cliche, so I ended up changing it to end like this!

There will be an epilogue, which will be set 10 years in the future. I think how that will be will more than make up for this suckish ending. I am also going to have a couple of "Special Chapters" from different pint of views and scenes. So, as soon as those are uploaded, this book will be done.

Thank you all so much for sticking with this story. 

Xoxo <3

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