Chapter Four

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Hey, everyone! It is currently around 10 AM, and I have NO SCHOOL today! Yay!!!!!! But I woke up at like 7:30! Which kinda stunk. Anyways, I hope you've been liking the story so far. Here's the new chapter!

It All Started With A Text...

Chapter Four

I woke up at around three AM. A nurse was checking my IV and she noticed me waking up.

"Sorry hon, but we've got to check on you every hour," she said apologetically.

"It's fine," I said groggily. When she left, I fell asleep once again.

The next time I woke up, it was at eight-thirty. A nurse was unhooking my IV and getting me ready to go. My parents and Karla were waiting for me in the doorway.

"Ready to go?" Mom asked me, smiling.

I nodded. "Yeah. Am I going back to school today?"

"Only if you feel up to it," she replied. "Do you want to go?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Can I go as soon as I get changed and everything?"

"Sure. But take it easy during practice, okay? The doctor said you could started practice today, since you healed so well."

"Alright. Let's go." I hopped out of the bed, and then we all walked out to the car. Karla sat next to me and we talked for a little bit before we got home.

"Okay, you go get changed and eat a little something, and then we'll drop you off," Dad said, ushering us inside. I went to my room and looked through my closet. I chose a pair of tight sweat pants from Abercrombie, a white tank top, and a navy blue zip-up jacket that I left unzipped. I threw on my flip flops, and then pulled my hair into a high ponytail, adding a bit of black eyeliner and mascara.

Then I ran down the stairs to find Kendra holding out a plate of toast. I grabbed it and ate a half piece, and then grabbed my backpack.

"Wait, how did my backpack get in here?" I asked.

"I grabbed it after I left. I went back to school and we're both excused of homework from yesterday," she explained. I nodded in understanding, and then we climbed into my mom's car.

She dropped us off at the school, and we went to the main office to check in, because we were late. The secretary looked up from her computer and smiled at us.

"Oh, hello, ladies. Alexa, I trust that you are feeling better?"

"Yes, I am. And what happened with Maggie and Cassandra?" I asked curiously.

"If you would like, you may speak with the principal about it," she pointed at the principal's office wit her pen.

"Okay, thank you," I said. I walked towards the office and knocked on the door lightly.

I heard a faint, "Come in."

Karla opened the door and we both stepped inside. "Alexa, Karla, what do you need?" Mr. Matthews asked, gesturing for us to sit in the chairs.

I sat and adjusted my hoodie. "Well, if I am allowed to know, what happened with Maggie and Cassandra?"

"Well, they are expelled, and forbidden from the campus. You don't have to worry about them at all. Now, would you two like late passes?" he asked.

"Yes please," Karla said. He filled out two yellow late passes and handed them to us.

"We're in the beginning of third hour, so why don't you head there and and have a good day." he said as we walked out. We went to our lockers and put everything away, and then walked down the hall to Show Choir.

Everyone was doing choreography on the risers, and singing, too. I smiled at the singing and we both threw our late passes on the desks' and went to take our spots on the risers.

We joined in with the singing and dancing, and then we left when the bell rang. We walked to our lockers, grabbed our stuff, and then walked to History.

We read for about the Decleration and took more notes. It was so boring. So I was glad when it was time for lunch. I got my stuff together, and then we walked to our lockers, dropped our stuff off, and then walked to the cafeteria.

I grabbed a salad and roll again, and started eating. Karla and I sat by ourselves today, but a lot of other people wanted to sit with us, so they did.

That's what seperates us from the other popular kids. We're friends with everyone, and are nice to everyone, and we don't blow people off.

We talked with everyone, and then we walked to the gym. We changed into shorts and shirts and sneakers, and then we walked out to the gym and started stretching.

We played volleyball again, and we staretd the tournament over again. We won our first game, and then our second one. Then we all just started again and again.

It was really fun, especially since I made a couple of amazing serves. When class was over, we all changed in the locker rooms and then walked in the hallways. I grabbed my language arts stuff, and then walked to the class.

"Alexa, are you feeling better?" Mr. Shay asked me when I walked in with Karla.

I grinned, "Yeah, I'm feeling better."

When class started, we talked about horror stories and why people love them so much. (In case you're wondering, it's because people love being scared.)

When class was over, I quickly went to my locker and got all my homework set. History notes, pretty light for homework. Then I grabbed my gym bag and walked to the gym. I changed into my short-shorts and tank top, and then pulled on my dance shoes and walked out to the gym floor. A couple of people were already stretching, so I walked over to them and started talking.

Karla burst in a few minutes later and got changed. Then she came out and started stretching. After a few more minutes, our instructor, Kayla, came out.

"Okay, we're going to work on our lyrical dance today. So, beginning positions, we're going to walk through it, slowly!" Kayla shouted so we could hear her.

Our lyrical dance is to "I Run For Life," the breast cancer song. Our costumes are going to be pure white and sparkling. And we're going to competition with all of our dances this year!

We walked through the dance very slowly a couple of times, and then did it fast a couple times, and then did it with music. We ran through it five times, and then she divided the twelve of us into groups of three to do the dance.

By the time practice was done, I was exhausted. I threw my sweat pants back on, and then Karla's dad pulled up in his car. We hopped in and he drove us to their house.

Karla and I went up to her room and we started doing our homework. We finished our notes quickly, and then I went home. I opened the door and found my parents cooking up some dinner.

"What's for dinner?" I asked, licking my lips.

"Lasagna, rolls, and salad," Mom replied. I thought of the grease in the lasagna and almost gagged. When the food was ready, I took a small slice of lasagna, the smallest roll, and a bowl of salad. Better start eating healthier!

My mom gave me a confused look but she let it go and started eating. I ate all my salad, about half of the lasagna, and my roll, along with a glass of water. I was just a tiny bit hungry after, but I would deal with it.

I excused myself and went upstairs to my bathroom. I looked at my scale and stepped on it. 112 pounds.

What?! I was trying to lose weight and I'm gaining it? Ugh! This is so frustrating!

This is what stinks about being a teenage girl. You always have to battle to fit in. There's no next time, you're only a teenager once. And that's what's bad about high school.

So, how was it?



pretty please with a......BROWNIE ON TOP!

lol random moment.....anyways, I'll upload within a couple of days. I have half days the rest of the week so I'll have some time.

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