Chapter Eighteen

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Had some time before dance, so I thought I could update!

Remember, there is this chapter, then one more, and then an epilogue!

Justin was really understanding of my whole situation. It was actually kind of scary how much he could relate to my story and give me advice.

"How come you know so much about this?" I asked softly, realizing we were the only ones in the room.

"My sister-she was anorexic for almost two years before someone caught on. She says it made her a stronger person, and she now is in college for counseling. She's going to try to help other people that have been in her situation." he replied, giving me a soft smile.

"That's amazing. Maybe that's what I should do, instead of being a dancer," I said weakly, realizing just how long it would take to regain all my dance technique.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, just-just thinking," I replied.

"So, what exactly is this Cassandra chick's deal with you?"

I laughed. "Honestly, I have no idea. No idea why I listened to her, either. Look where it got me. I can't believe she got to me like that."

"Hey, calm down. She's a bully; it's what they do." he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I gladly leant into him. "Everything's going to be okay."

I nodded slowly and leant back. "So, why exactly are you in here?"

He grinned. "I knew that question was coming."

"I'm sorry, you don't have to answer-"

"No, no, it's okay," he cut me off, smiling. "I have leukemia. I've had it for a month or so, and I'm just getting chemo this week, so I'm staying here. And before you ask, no I will not die. It's not that severe."

"Well, that's good." I yawned slowly.

"You better get back to your room. Come on, I'll take you." 

"No, I can call Josh and have him take me, it's okay."

"Come on, I have nothing else to do!"

He helped me walk back to my wheelchair and got me situated. "Whatever you do, do not kill me!"

"No promises," he smirked, slowly pushing me to the door. "Just kidding. You're too cute to kill."

"Hmm, I do have that feature." I was dying inside, he thought I was cute!

After many wrong turns and wall-knocking, we arrived at my room, where I found a note saying that my parents had gone to eat, and Josh and Karla had gone to take a walk together. 

"You want me to stay here?" Justin asked, after helping me onto my bed.

"If you want to. Do you need to get back to your room?"

"Nah, as long as I'm there by ten my nurses don't care."

"Oh, alright. Then sure, you could stay."

 We talked for ten minutes until my eyes started drooping. "You can go to sleep, you know. I don't mind," Justin chuckled, leaning back more in his chair.

"O-okay," I mumbled, turning to try and get comfortable. "This bed is uncomfortable!" I whined, sitting up. "I can't sleep."

Justin went and sat next to me unstead of in the chair. "I'll sit here, now go to sleep."

I put my head on his chest and quickly fell asleep, smiling gently. I felt a soft kiss on my forehead right before I drifted off, which made me sigh with happiness.

Maybe I could have another shot at love.

~~~~~~~~1 WEEK LATER~~~~~~~~

"Excited to get out of here?" Karla asked, smiling as we walked towards the lobby.

"Eh," I shrugged.

"You're gonna miss Justin, aren't you?"

"Yeah, obviously! He's just-so understanding and everything."

"When can you come back to school?"

I thought for a minute. "Two days. I have to be sure I can keep a steady routine at home before I am allowed to go back. I'm just happy I got all my homework done in the hospital."

"Everyone's been asking about you," she replied. "The teachers know what happened, and a couple people figured you were just really sick and that's really the story everyone believes."

"Alright, how bad are the rumors?" I sighed, climbing into the car.

"There are a couple ridiculous ones. One is that you fell at my house and got paralyzed. I have no idea how that got started, so don't ask! Another crazy one is that  you got in a really bad car accident. I've tried to just go along with the whole idea that you were really sick. I think everyone is just waiting for you to come back."

"Alright. I'm sort of excited to go back, it's something to do besides be stuck in that boring hospital day after day. That was boring!"

"I can relate. Who was there all the time with you?"

 We arrived at my house and I slowly walked in and flopped down onto the couch. "I forgot how comfy this couch is."

My mom shook her head and chuckled. "I'll go make lunch."

Karla and I watched some TV before we got our lunch, and then we went to my room to talk in private. "So, how exactly are you going to deal with the rumors when we get back?" Karla asked, sitting in my desk chair while I sat on my bed.

"Probably just ignore them. Obviously I didn't get paralyzed. I'll probably just laugh if someone asks' me if I did. I mean, I think someone would have made an announcement if I did. People and rumors, I swear it's crazy."

"Yeah, the teachers know what happened, so they probably dispelled the rumor of car crashes and getting paralyzed and stuff."

After a few minutes of silence, I said, "It's nice. Just talking again. No drama or anything to worry about."

"Yeah, it is," she agreed. "So are you trying out for volleyball next week?"

"Yeah, of course! The doctors said as long as I can maintain a healthy weight I'm allowed to do what I want."

"Awesome. I can't wait for the season to start!"

"I can't wait for you to come back to school, believe me, it's really boring without you there."

"I can guess."

Today's the day I'm going back to school, just in time for volleyball tryouts. I was actually really excited, so I dressed up and so did Karla. "Ready to tryout?" she asked as we picked her up.

"Yeah, I'm so ready!"

Going back to school wasn't really that bad. Nothing changed, and people calmed down after a couple of days of me being back.

The day went by really slow, and when it was time for tryouts, Karla and I went to the gym and changed into our gym clothes again. When we were done, we joined the other seventy or so girls and got ready to start.

"Wait, I'm here!" someone called. I turned around to see who it was, and then turned and ran out of the gym.

Karla chased after me. "Why is she here?" I whispered, burying my head in my hands.

"Something about her expulsion being revoked. Can you go back and please try with me? Don't let her know she can still get to you."

"Hey, fattie. Look who decided to have the guts to come back. I actually thought I broke you down."

Here goes everything.

Please don't kill me! ;) But seriously, don't! I had dance all day today, and then I'll be at a dance convention from like 8-7 tomorrow, so I can't upload then. But I'll write the last chapter by Thursday, I promise!

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