Prologue - Advertisement File #003

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A blonde, heterochromic man sits on screen. He's about thirty years old, but he looks a lot younger. It's all the moisteriser, I'll bet.

He smiles, warmly. In his right hand is a pill bottle. The perfect size for his hand to wrap around as he places it infront of him.

"I'm delighted to finally present the newest advancement in modern medicine." His voice is smooth, and low-pitched. "You've all heard of this before, but we're taking it to new levels with by collaborating with the governmenet to ensure proper medical care for all."

"No more of those screen headaches, or hologram-induced migranes. You don't have to take any more days off work for something like a simple teleportation headache."

The man smiles again, unscrewing the lid of the bottle with a single hand, pouring a handfull of the pills into his right palm. Some slow but still happily upbeat music starts to play as the man pushes said hand through the screen, the technology avaliable making it incredibly smooth and seamless.

After a moment, the whole image dissapears, replaced with some text that is then read out by a fabricated voice.

"Don't forget, as of January 2534, each over-eighteen in this country is entitled to a free five-month perscription of the Imperium pill - guarenteed to prevent headaches, migranes and similar. Talk to your local pharmasist or call our helpline on 012345 678910."

The robot-speech of sped-up text finishes talking, and the image that reperesents the current government sits on the screen, alongside the company logo which too flashes on the screen to end the commercial. The image itself is rather quite beautiful - two saturated yellow snakes, illustrated with a careful and practiced hand. The snakes wrap around eachother, overlooked by the company name in a black non-serif font.

Dyle Pharmasutical.

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