Therapy Paperwork

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Virgil arrived at his lecture the next morning twenty minutes early. He was eager to get out of the house, and was now sitting in the back right corner of the lecture hall, holding his new phone and settling it up.

He grumbled in upset when he couldn't retrieve any of his old photos from his digital save. He wasn't worried about the pictures he'd taken in Janus' office, although they would be nice.

It was just that, he had a lot of memories on his camera roll.

Oh well, he supposed. He had a new phone, which was actually better than his previous one anyway.

Many people were now filtering into the classroom, and there was a general hubbub going on. Virgil opened his bag, sifting through the odd items and pulling out the plastic packaging of his anxiety medication.

The therapy was later that day, and Virgil would also have to work on his project with Logan today, which was going to be a whole nother level of stressful for him. He thought, he'd take them today, and see if it actually made a difference to how he felt, and if it didn't he'd chuck them away.

Digging one of his painted nails into the aluminium foil on the top of the twelve-pill packaging, he pulled one of the capsules out into his palm. He threw his head back, and dry swallowed it - following up with a swig of water from his bottle.

The whole process of taking a pill had caused that tight, suffocating feeling in his chest to rise, and he found it ironic.

Virgil took a deep breath and leant back in his seat, closing his eyes and repeating the breath.

He then stayed in that position, still breathing in and out until the feeling began to fade. It wasn't very practical, maybe this therapist could teach him a better method.

"Good morning, Virgil."

The boy opened his eyes to see Logan's form towering above him. He shifted his tone and body language to look a more aggressive stance.

"Stay the fuck away from me."

"Excuse me?"

Logan took a step back, stunned. He was wearing a play grey t-shirt with a dark blue blazer over the top. His glasses were the same as yesterday, naturally.

Virgil stood, having about an inch of height on Logan, courtesy of his platformed boots.

"Stay away from me and my family. You don't have to do this shit just because your dad does. Fuck off and go to hell." Virgil crowed, pushing past Logan as he walked away.

In an instant, the glasses-wearing boy had reached his hand out, and grabbed Virgil by the hood of his jacket, and yanked his body backwards. He used his right elbow to push against Virgil's chest, effectively shoving him back down into a seat.

Logan sat down next to Virgil's now stunned form, pulling his laptop out of his bag. Virgil's hands were shaking, and his chest rose and fell from the shock of being shoved down so quickly.

"My father told me you were a feisty little thing, but I didn't think he meant it so literally. We're doing this project together, whether you like it or not. Grow up, act like an adult. I don't care if you dislike my father, I'm a different person, alright?"

"You were on the phone talking about how you were going to effectively seduce me into working with your father, which is something I've expressed that I'm not going to do."

Logan pursed his lips. "I don't believe it's morally right to eavesdrop."

Virgil scoffed. Logan was in no position to talk about morals. He felt trapped by the other, who was sitting in a position where he blocked Virgil from leaving. He just supposed he would stick out this lesson.

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