Unhinged Confession

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Logan's morning was not going as well as he would've liked.

He didn't have any classes today, which he hated because it made him feel unproductive. When he felt unproductive, he couldn't do anything without feeling worthless.

And then of course, of all days, he'd completely overslept his alarm (not that he had any plans anyway) and it had made him feel negatively towards everything. Like, his whole routine was broken now and it made him annoyed at everyone.

Especially his dad.

The man was sat at their dining table, reading something on his phone - an isolated plate of toast sat beside him with a mug of coffee.

His hair was shaggy and unbrushed, growing out past his jawline now. He was wearing just a dark green-coloured dress shirt and black trousers - the shirt having the top two buttons undone. He'd neglected putting on a tie or jacket thus far, as he had a while before he was due to leave.

When Logan slumped into the kitchen, Remus looked up, and then back down to the silver watch wrapped around his wrist.

"You've trudged down here 47 minutes later than usual. Something.. Wrong?"

Logan grumbled a little, placing his palm against the side of the kettle and being pleasantly suprised when it was still hot to the touch.

"Nothing's wrong, I just woke up late."

While Logan continued to make his coffee, Remus stood, leaving about half of his toast, and leant against the counter.

"Uhm, Lo, you're not.. like, attached to Virgil or anything, right?"

Logan raised an eyebrow, not looking to the man speaking to him yet. "Not particularly. Why?"

"Well, he.. uhm, we have to.. well, God."

He stepped away from the counter, sitting on the table. After another moment of indecisive silence, Logan realised he had to turn around to face his dad in order to pursue this conversation further.

"What's going on?"

Remus sighed, smiling slightly behind his neutral outside composure.

"Virgil got his hands on some confidential information. And, as a result, we kind of have to.. erase some of his memories?"

Logan tensed. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean.. he won't have any recollection of anything to do with Janus. It would be a lot of trouble for us to plant phantom memories, and Janus refuses to let us just euthanize him for some reason."

"You want to kill him?"

"Knowledge is the most dangerous weapon in existance."

Remus paused.

"Baisically, we compromised that we'd erase only stuff that makes him a threat to security. But, we have to keep him in our custody for the foreseeable future because he's dangerous to us. Maybe we'd let him go after a while, but it's unlikely."

"He won't.. He won't remember me at all? Or you? Or.. or how much?"

"Maybe the last 2-3 years of his life."


A beat of silence.

"Surely that will damage him mentally."

"Which is why we have to keep him in custody. People usually get a bit freaked out when they're suddenly three years older than they thought they were." Remus waved his hands out in front of him as he explained.

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