Collateral Damage

89 2 16

Virgil grimaced down at his cup of coffee, where the tired barista had scrawled 'Vergal' on it in black sharpie.

He didn't even know if it was possible to spell a name that wrong.

They had perched themselves in a small 'mom-and-pop' coffee shop on a particularly desolate street corner and were waiting for the food they had ordered to arrive.

"Your family does seem to have a fondness of peculiar names." Logan sipped his coffee after speaking.

Virgil drummed his fingers on the black plastic lid of his disposable coffee cup as he searched for a response.

"I mean, I guess. My dad's name was Henry though - that's pretty basic." Virgil paused in thought. "Maybe he just hated his kids and wanted them to be bullied."

Logan pursed his lips. "That's improbable. It's far more likely that he just thought 'Virgil' and 'Patton' were nice names."

A worker placed two croissants on the table, along with a slice of toast and glass of orange juice, which she slid in front of Patton.

"Thank you." Logan said.

"Well," Virgil continued. "I'd like to think that my mother chose my name, but I actually haven't the faintest idea where it came from."

The older began applying butter to his breakfast.

"People typically name their children after they are born. It's not very likely that your mother chose it given the circumstances."

Virgil ignored the comment, taking a bite of his croissant and talking again around a mouthful of pastry. "At least Patton's mum named him. I know that."

Patton smiled, reaching to tug on the end of Virgil's shirt.

"What's up, Pat?" He asked in a whisper. Logan could, of course, hear the conversation, but it was more for Patton's sake.

"Can you help me put the butter on my toast..?" He whispered, embarrassed and glancing to Logan.

"Awh, yeah of course. Thank you for letting me know you needed help with it." Virgil praised, taking the butter knife from it's place on the table.

After eating, the three paid and left a tip for the workers.

They arrived back at the motel and decided that it was probably a good time to shower, change clothes, brush teeth, etc.

"You know what?" Virgil asked, leaving the bathroom with wet hair - now wearing a new outfit and looking considerably cleaner.

"Hm?" Logan responded, glancing up from his phone.

"I actually feel pretty safe here."


Roman thought it was ironic that he was learning more about Virgil via being kidnapped by his uncle's friend than actually talking to the boy.

He stood in the centre of Virgil and Patton's living room, watching as Remus trekked around it, snatching up anything 'dangerous'.

"So, tell me a little about yourself Rowan."



"How have you spent the last few hours stalking me and you don't even know my name?" Roman asked, leaning against a wall and crossing his arms over his chest.

Mr Hanley pulled a steak knife out of a drawer and placed it into his bag. "A: I'm a very busy man and I do this a lot. B: It's not technically stalking because I work for the government."

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