Dearest Brother

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Patton was still hugging Virgil when the nurse returned. This time, she had a police officer with her - tall and wearing full uniform. Virgil and Logan both turned their heads to look towards the doorframe.

"Excuse me gentlemen," The officer began. "But, that child you are with has been reported kidnapped. We're going to have to bring you into the station for questioning."

Patton released his hug, spinning around to look at the officer. He didn't say anything, but leant backwards and effectively melted into Virgil's body.

"This is my brother." Virgil replied, voice hoarse and raspy.

"If you aren't the legal guardian, then that doesn't matter."

Logan made direct eye contact with his friend, a silent question about what their next move was.

"We aren't doing this shit again." Virgil huffed. "He nearly died the first time."

The younger man leant his head downwards to look to his step-brother. He smiled, and the child's eyes met his.

"I love you Patton, and I'm gonna see you later, alright?" Patton sat, looking confused as Virgil refocused to speak to the police officer.

"You'll make sure he gets home safely?"


Virgil looked to Logan and raised his eyebrows. Logan's eyes widened at he shook his head. "No, Virgil, we're not-"

Reaching over himself with his free hand, Virgil pulled the tubes out of his wrist and leapt up from the bed. The heart monitor that was connected to him flatlined as he grabbed Logan's wrist and yanked him up, running out of the hospital room with a trail of blood cascading from down his wrist where he'd ripped his skin just now.

God, it hurt to run. It hurt a lot.


"What the fuck, Virgil?!" Logan yelled, running equally as fast as the police officer and a few others began to pursue them.

"We are not getting arrested, Lo!" Virgil argued. He stumbled when swinging around a corner too quickly. Logan grabbed his hand and pulled him further.

"I'm pretty sure we're more likely to get arrested if we run from the police!"

They had reached the main entrance of the hospital by now. It was crowded. Loud. Easy to blend in with.

They snaked their way through the people (most of which were doctors and nurses going about their jobs) and outside the hospital into the carpark.

It was night time now, which was something that Virgil had neglected to consider when devising his little 'let's run' plan. He had completely ruled out staying at another hotel after what they'd caused at that motel.

The air was cold against his skin, and it now only stuck Virgil that they'd lost all their stuff in the explosion too.

Well, no time to lament, he supposed.

They needed to keep running. And run they did.

It seemed that the police officer chasing them gave up after a few blocks - much to Virgil and Logan's exhausted relief.

With one last glance behind him, Virgil collapsed against the side of a building, panting. "Fuck,"

"'Fuck' indeed." Logan chuckled painedly. "That was very impulsive. What are we going to do now?"

He slid himself down the wall and sat next to Virgil. "We need to get ourselves out of this mess before anyone else dies, that's what."

"Easier said than done."

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