Fold-Out Bed

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Virgil sat empty-handed at his college campus' lunch table. Roman had gone home, considering he had no other classes. And now, Virgil was alone, hungry, and had no way of getting home.

He still had his next lecture in twenty minutes, so he guessed he'd just have to wait. At least it was for a course he actually wanted to do.

There weren't all that many people in the room, so Virgil's anxiety was at ease, and he just sat, head on the table as he tried to catch up with his sleep. He was really tired, now that he got the chance to think about it.

"Uh, hello?"

"Wake up, please."

"C'mon, we're gonna be late if you don't."

".. Huh?" He replied, very groggily looking up to the voice.

It was a tall boy, taller than him. He had black hair, and deep blue eyes which matched the colour of the semi-formal jacket that he wore over his black shirt. Resting on his nose was a pair of square-framed glasses. People didn't need glasses for anything other than fashion anymore, so Virgil assumed it was a conscious choice.

"I'm in your psych class. Our lecture starts in five minutes and I noticed you'd fallen asleep. I thought It'd be helpful if I woke you up so you didn't miss it." He commented, reaching a hand out to help Virgil stand from the table.

"Oh, right. Thanks, thank you." Virgil nodded, ruffling his hair back up and rubbing his eyes.

"That's quite alright." The other boy replied, lips still in a straight line. Then, he looked down to the watch he was wearing. "We're going to be late if we hang around here." The boy taps his watch.

In a flash of deep blue, his body is covered in square-like particles and he disappears, having teleported to class, presumably. Virgil stood for a moment, before checking the time on his phone. The other was right, he was definitely going to be late if he walked.

Ugh, and he really didn't want to be late.

Very, very reluctantly, Virgil tapped a button on his phone and focused on the intention of teleporting outside the door to his lecture hall. Within thirty seconds, he was stood there, backpack still loosely hanging off his right shoulder as he cringed, shaking his head a little to relieve the headache.

He waited about a minute outside the door, trying to wait for the sharp pain at the front of his head to fade. Eventually, it got manageable enough and he walked into the lecture hall. He wasn't quite late, although, it was the kind of 'just slide in and sit at the back' kind of situation.

The teacher announced that they would be starting a partnerwork project, and Virgil had never felt more on edge. He hated working with other people, especially those he didn't know. He supposed that it would be fine if Roman was here, but he wasn't.

Partner projects were so tiring and uneventful. Virgil's body tensed as he noticed most people start to pair up, and realised that this work would be so much harder if he had to do this alone and didn't find a pair. Oh, God. He wasn't sure what to do. It was all getting too much and-

"Hey? Sleepy boy?"

Virgil looked up, suddenly snapped out of his spiral trance, seeing the same person who had awoken him from his power nap ten minutes earlier.

"Uh, hi. Did you wanna..?"

"Yes, I think it would be beneficial for both of us if we collaborated on this project." His voice was monotonous and serious, but not in an intimidating or scary way.

Virgil nodded as this boy took a seat next to him. "Logan Hanley." He said, reaching a hand out for Virgil to shake.

Virgil could swear the name felt a little familiar, but he brushed it off. "Virgil Glythe."

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