Light Sleeping

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Virgil tensed. "Uhm, he's.. well, it's.. just weird, I guess."

"What's weird exactly?"

"Just, being related to someone like him. Call me an ungrateful, spoilt brat, but I don't want his lifestyle."

Benji paused, scribbling something on their notebook. They pursed their lips. "Are those choice words ones people have called you, or are they what you think of yourself?"

"I don't know. I just, some people can't afford to feed their kids, and I'm all depressed over being filthy rich."

"I don't think that your wealth invalidates your struggles, Virgil."

He looked to the floor, not quite believing the therapist. A wave of nausea rolled down his spine, sighing inwardly. The room was silent for a few moments.

"When I spoke to Janus' assistant on the phone, he said you fainted yesterday. Apparently a doctor said it was likely to do with stress. What were you so stressed about?"

"I'm anaemic and don't take my prescription for it. It was very likely just that." He chided, leaning back on the sofa, dismissing the therapist's concerns.

"I'm not sure I believe you. Not about the anaemia, I believe that, you're almost concernedly pale. I mean- I think it was more than that."

Virgil swallowed, realising that he was only here for the sake of sharing all of the intricacies of his life.

"I didn't have any money. I'd just found out that a boy in one of my classes is the son of a man who works with Janus, and he only befriended me to get me to be on my uncle and his father's side. I just, I wanted nothing more than to go home. I had to teleport, which I hate doing. I just wanted it all to stop, and I got all dizzy and, yeah."

The person paused, not writing anything down this time.

"Why did you feel the need to lie about that the first time?"

Virgil felt guilty all of a sudden.

"I don't.. know."

"Do you really not know?"

"I- I guess, I feel like I don't deserve to be here. Like, I'm wasting your time."

The therapist's expression softened. They went back to writing something down.

"What makes you think that?"

"People have it worse. It's like the complaining thing. Realistically, what reason do I have to be here?"

Dr Sladden didn't miss a beat, replying instantly. "People that care about you expressed worry about your mental health."

Virgil scoffed. He had to stop himself from laughing. "They don't care about me, Benji. Not really. The guy that phoned you is literally paid to care about me."

"Okay," they laughed. "People that don't care about you expressed worry about your mental health." They corrected. "And, even if that wasn't the case: you don't need a reason to go to therapy."

A ringtone-like sound rang out from the phone on Benji's desk. They looked at it, frowning. "That's our time, unfortunately. I've got fifteen minutes before my next client, so, we can overrun a little if there's anything you wanted to talk about urgently?"

Virgil thought for a moment. "You aren't gonna be.. like, relaying your notes to Janus or Picani, right?"

"No, I won't be doing that. I legally can't share anything you say in this room unless I think it poses a danger to yourself or others."

Virgil nodded slowly. "Alright.. okay. Now you've said that there are a few minor things I need to get off my chest." He spoke at a spaced pace, as if he wasn't quite sure about his words.

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