Shattered Lightbulb

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Logan refreshed his phone. He couldn't see anything on any news outlets about what had happened. How on earth was there nothing? Arcas wasn't exactly a major city but multiple people had died. It was like it never happened. No hospital staff had even believed Logan when he'd told them about it; one had offered him a fucking anti-psychotic.

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in between his thumb and his index finger.

"What would Virgil do, Patton?"

The young boy looked towards Logan from his sitting position. He was dressed still in his normal clothes, perched on the edge of a bed in the hospital. Logan was sitting in one of the visitor chairs contemplating his whole existence.

See, Virgil had been brought into the A & E department of the hospital about twenty minutes after Logan had carried Patton in. The doctors were worried about Patton's smoke inhalation levels but had given him some oxygen and said he'll be fine, but should stay on bedrest for at least a week.

Logan felt very guilty for leaving Virgil to pass out on the side of a road. He felt even more guilty when a doctor had told him 'not to get his hopes up for his friend waking up in the next 24 hours'.

Of course, Logan himself was checked over by a doctor, but deemed fine because of how quickly he managed to get out of the smoke and debris.

Apparently, Virgil had a sprained wrist and pretty bad friction burns on his arms. Other than that, he was physically fine apart from exhaustion. The doctors said he'll probably be coughing a lot for a few days post waking up, but that was all.

Patton placed his arms behind himself and swung his legs.

"He'd probably cry." The boy said thoughtfully.



"Right, well-"

"Then he'd ask Janny for help. He always does that after he cries. And then I usually get cookies because Remy stress bakes and used to worry about getting fired when Janus was in a bad mood!" Patton giggled, a little too happily for a five-year-old that had just said all of that.

Logan's eyes flicked around the room a little. In all honesty, he would much rather be sitting by Virgil's bedside right now, but he also knew that Virgil would probably have yelled at him to go and look after his brother.

And, it wasn't like Patton's stream of thoughts had helped Logan decide what to do. It wasn't as if they could call Janus and beg for forgiveness at this point. They were probably going to have to go home.

Go home, and most likely have their memories wiped.

Logan groaned, tilting his head backwards and staring at the nauseatingly bright light that was growling down at him.

They had no stuff, no phones, no ideas and no hope.


"Alright then. Is that too tight?"

"Uh, no, no- it's fine." Roman replied, eyes meeting those of the woman screwing the lock on the ankle monitor fastened around his leg where his jeans had been rolled up to mid-shin.

Janus had come up with the idea. A compromise, he called it. Roman could go to school so that he wouldn't have to give up on his education, and it would evade any suspicion that might have been caused if he stopped showing up to classes suddenly.

He also had to go home and tell his dad that he was sleeping over at Virgil's for a bit, which wasn't technically a lie, because he was using Virgil's bedroom.

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