Slight Fabrication

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The air was so horrifically cold in Arcas this time of year. No amount of layers could shield them from it. It was still pretty early morning still, hence why the outside world felt so harsh on them.

They'd stayed on the phone with Remy for a good hour. It wasn't ideal, and the bus driver threw them off after twenty, but Patton insisted on it and he was calm now. That was good.

Okay. They'd got to the city. They probably had like, the whole of the government looking for them, but that was okay. Their only current dilemma was what the fuck do we do now? as Virgil had so eloquently put it.

That was exactly how the four of them ended up stumbling into a sleazy, edge-of-city motel.

The outside of it was coloured cream, with a dark orange tiled roof, accented with a few of the tiles having fallen off. Despite the outside look, it had a nice revolving door and a large one-storey floor.

The interior was actually quite nice, although clearly low-budget. A maroon carpet layed beside light grey walls. In each corner was a singular wheat-coloured vase with a multi-leaved plant shooting out of it. Then, lastly, a mahogany desk sat at the front of the room.

Logan made very quick work of buying a room. Just for one night to start with - they could always renew it tomorrow if need be.

Leaving the reception and entering the hallway, the boys were met with a similar interior design style. They had the fourth room on the left, all the others being already preoccupied. You'd be surprised, cheap accommodation went quickly.

"This is a nice room. We can work with this!" Virgil said, feeling a little more optimistic since waking. He smiled as he propped his bag against one of the beds.

"I doubt it is hygenic." Logan replied, sullying the mood slightly.

The room had two double-beds, both facing the wall beside a large window that looked outwards towards some fields. Patton was immediately excited, running over to the nearest bed and bellyflopping onto it, kicking his legs in happiness as he squealed.

Virgil laughed, looking to the other before jumping onto the bed beside his brother. Logan frowned in discontent as the young adult and child bounced around.

He could easily forgive the behaviour of Patton, who reached down to pick up a pillow and hit Virgil's torso with it. Virgil feigned defeat and flopped down onto the bed on his back.

"Ack! I've been killed!"

Patton laughed, sitting next to the emo.

"Virgil," he whispered, smiling. "You're not really dead, are you?"

Virgil smiled, picking Patton up by the waist and sitting him on his lap as he sat up. "Not yet." He replied, and his step-brother smiled proudly.

A moment later, the small boy scampered off to the bathroom and Logan took the opportunity to sit with Virgil on the same bed he'd dropped onto.

"You have any siblings then, Logan?"

"None officially, but I have watched over my fair share of mock siblings in foster or group homes growing up."

There was a comfortable silence in the room for a further moment before Logan pursed his lips and glanced down to his watch.

"Do you want to get any breakfast?"


Logan smiled, standing. "We can have a wander around and find somewhere for bagels or something."

"Yeah, sounds like a plan."


Lydia Dyle was an interesting person, to say the least. She lived carelessly and by the day, just constantly racking up credit card bill after credit card bill, knowing that she could afford to pay it off. This wasn't because she'd earned the money, but it didn't make her spending habits any less real.

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