Car-park Stairwell

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Out of all things that could have come from seeing each other again, being half-suffocated in a hug from Virgil was just about the last thing that Roman expected. After a fleeting moment the emo pulled away.

"That's for my uncle kidnapping you, and I'm glad you're safe, not because we're good." He said.

"Virgil, I'm sorry that I took it out on you, but I feel like it was kind of justified."

Virgil rolled his eyes. "I didn't do anything to you."

"My mum died."

"So did mine."

"That's not comparable and you know it."

"At least you have a dad."

"At least you're fucking rich."

"Guys!" Logan practically yelled, raising his eyebrows at them as if scolding two children. "You're both adults, so maybe stop bickering at start acting like it."

Virgil looked to the ground. "Sorry, Logan."

"Don't apologise to me."

He grovelled slightly, raising his head to make eye contact with Roman. "I'm uhm, I'm sorry about your mum. I'm sorry for any role I might have had in it." He spoke softly, almost as if he felt guilty, or embarrassed.

Roman smiled slightly. "Yeah, I'm sorry for.. Kinda being a dick to you over it."

They didn't hug, or immediately switch back to being best friends and acting like it. They didn't even shake hands, both just looking in different areas in order to avoid the eye-contact usually typically in these type of situations. They just stood about a metre and a half away from each other while Logan onlooked. He exhaled loudly.

"Right, then." Logan declared, dropping all the blankets onto the floor. "Let's get some sleep."

And so they did. They set up a small rest area, with one blanket each on the floor and one as a makeshift duvet. It wasn't comfortable by any means, and Virgil just ended up sitting against one of the walls because he was completely aware that he wouldn't be getting any sleep like this. He picked at a loose thread on a rip in his joggers, slowly making the hole larger in order to satiate his boredom. Both Roman and Logan had fallen asleep quickly, somehow unplagued by the fear surrounding sleeping in the open.

Literally anything could happen. If he went to sleep they might get their stuff taken (not that they had a lot) or worse, they could be attacked. Especially since Virgil was at least nationally known now.

The night air was still cold, and Virgil pulled the blanket over his shoulders further. Then, he looked over to Logan.

Logan was sleeping soundly, glasses askew on his face in an endearingly cute way that made Virgil smile to himself.

Wait, what?

No, he wasn't cute. That wasn't the right choice of words. More.. slightly attractive. You know, in the way that everyone thinks their friends are attractive. Right?

It was weird. Virgil had hated Logan when they first met. Well, not when they first met, that was actually semi-pleasant, but after he found everything out about Logan's relation to Remus, he definitely completely lost any interest. Because if his dad is an asshole, surely he is too.

Oh. Virgil realised. That's what Roman had thought about him.

Virgil glanced over to Roman, who was sleeping facing towards the wall (which Virgil would never even consider. If he couldn't see the door, he had no idea what could happen) so that his face was obscured. Despite everything, he felt okay. The air was nice and crisp on his skin.

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