Silver Table

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Virgil still felt nauseous. His head was pounding and his whole body was tense. His mind was a little deluded, clouded with the idea that things were being kept from him.

When he got into his bedroom, Virgil all but collapsed on his bed. He groaned into the sheets, feeling foggy and disoriented.

The eighth floor.

That's what he was after. There was something on that floor that he needed to see. He lifted his head up, then used his arms to push his torso up. He thought about it. Going into the floor through the door wasn't an option.

In his disorientated state, Virgil opened his window, looking up to the floor above. The window was open. Wide enough for Virgil to get through, certainly. He pushed his purple hoodie off, following with his long sleeve undershirt. Just in his joggers now, he walked back into his wardrobe and grabbed a plain black t-shirt, with a graphic of a skeleton on the front.

Climbing would be easier without multiple layers. Right.

He zipped his phone into one of the pockets on his trousers. The floor itself was protected from teleporting in, and also entering via the door if you weren't Janus or Remus. The divide between the floors wasn't all that big, so Virgil reckoned he could just place a hand on the windowsill of the next floor and pull himself up.

From outside his room, he began to hear some muffled voices.

"Yes, this'll just be quick. My assistant wants to speak with me."

"And both of us need to go?"

Virgil recognised Remus' voice.

"It'll be easier. And we can talk with Virgil when he gets back from school."


The sounds of the stairs being walked down slowly faded, and Virgil realised that this was his opportunity.

He planted one foot on the edge of his open windowsill. His footwear choice probably wasn't the most practical, but, in his state, he didn't really care. His mind was clearing up a little with the adrenaline.

Placing his second foot shoulder width apart from the other, he reached out of the window and managed to hold a grip on the inside of the next floor up. He was eight stories high, but the way he was thinking prompted him not to care.

"Shit," he muttered, beginning to pivot his feet so that his whole body was outside of the building, holding both hands on the windowsill above him.

He pulled his body up, finally managing to roll into the room above while a sting formed in his arm muscles. He took a minute to regain his breath, then looked up to the room.

It was normal. Pretty normal for the kind of thing that only two people in the world are allowed access to. It was a large, open plan area with a big silver table in the centre. There was a lot of paperwork strewn about it. On the walls were multiple computers, each of them logged on to a different document.

Virgil took out his phone. He didn't have time to read all of the papers individually. There were hundreds of sheets of paper, and he began to rapidly photograph them, but being careful to keep a steady hand as to not have them come out blurry.

Ten minutes later, he'd taken all the images. Then, he walked over to one of the computers, scrolling up and down. He, once again, took his phone out and filmed himself scrolling down the document.

He didn't want to push his luck with being in here.

Virgil walked back over to the table - his eyes falling onto another piece of paper. He picked a paragraph towards the end, only noticing the end of one sentence.

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