Getting Out

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The thrill of killing eventually became more of a dull ache for Janus.

He'd never done it for fun or pleasure, he wasn't a psychopath, but when somebody got in the way there were often little solutions other than murder.

It wasn't always direct - much like what had happened with Roman's mother and thousands of others across the country. And to be fair to him, 90% of deaths that he was responsible for were events that other people had asked him to orchestrate.

He remembered the first time he ever killed anyone intentionally like it was just yesterday. He was young, having just completed his business and economics degree, maybe about twenty-one years old.

"I would've loved to have been there, Janny, you know that." His mother reassured with a smile as she plunged her fork into a roast potato. He could only roll his eyes in response.

"It's their fault for running the graduation on a Tuesday. I don't know anyone that's available on a weekday, they were just asking for nobody to show up." He taunted, a smile forming on his face, fuelled by schadenfreude at the look on his son's face.

"Other people's parents were there." He murmured, eyes locking with the food on his plate.

"Other people's parents probably only earn five figures."

Henry couldn't help but allow a smirk to slip onto his face. "Come off it, it's his special day, we can let him have this." The man persuaded. "Either way, we all know he'll be working for me this time next year."

Janus dropped his cutlery and it clattered onto the plate with a loud metallic sound. He looked up at the people that he called his family before pushing his chair out and standing, making his way out of their grand dining room.

"Awh, love, we're only teasing." His mother called, but he ignored it, unhooking his jacket from the hook it was placed upon in the cloakroom. A black leather number that was slightly oversized on him, but it was more of a comfort item than for practical warmth.

He opened the door to the house and slipped out of it, making proper effort to slam it. He'd worked so hard; he'd worked his ass off these past few years. And for what? To make his parents proud? They hadn't even fucking bothered to show up at his graduation. And the audacity for his brother to make those kinds of comments. Stupid law school and thousands of pounds that their parents had given him to start his own firm.

They never did anything like that for him. He was always second best to Henry, always.

A figure walked past him, very close up and it caused the two men to collide shoulders, sending Janus stumbling a little bit in the evening light.

Janus turned and blinked at the young man, who looked to be just older than him, with a dark coloured raincoat and joggers on.

"Did you just fucking push me?" He asked, already high on stress. He certainly did not need some commoner ruining his walk.

"Nah, mate, sorry." He replied, and Janus agreed to accept the apology. It was only when the man turned back around and carried on walking that he lost his temper.

"Asshole." The man whispered under his breath.

"Excuse me?!" Janus raised his voice, once again spinning back around and walking up to the man, who got very defensive very quickly.

"It didn't mean nothing man, chill out."

Janus had punched him. He'd been so upset and angry, and he'd punched him.

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