Duffel Bag

78 5 13

A cold room. Harsh concrete walls and a matching floor.

When Virgil teleported into the room, he planted two feet on the floor in defence, but was immediately caught off guard as he was slammed against a wall chest-first.

He spun his body on his heel and delivered a sharp elbow to the face of the man who had pushed him against the wall to begin with. Said man gasped in pain and staggered backwards.

Virgil was incredibly ready to continue fighting these men.

He was, at least, until he felt the cold metal of a handgun against the side of his head.

His hands shot up either side of himself, and he titled his head back, eyes darting to the man holding the weapon. Virgil stayed in that position for a moment as the other man eyed him up and down.

Now that he got a better look at the room, there was a large pane of glass and a metal door that kept the world out.

In the centre of the room was a chair. Virgil looked to it nervously. He swallowed as the metal barrel of the weapon kept itself pressed to him.

"I just want it to be clear that you wouldn't have a gun pressed to your head if you weren't violent in nature."

Virgil didn't look to the orange-haired man beside him.

"Can you explain to me why I'm here?"

The metal door swung open.

Both agents in the room completely stiffened, and the gun beside Virgil's head was dropped in favour of them both bringing their arms to their heads in a salute.


Remus smiled.

"Don't worry agents, I don't have malicious intent coming in here."

Virgil scoffed.

"What are you doing here, you asshole?"

"Oh, not for you. I work here; this is a government building. You'd be surprised, I do have a life outside of your household." He paused. "No, I was just walking past and then I saw you and I was like, oh, look, it's Virgil getting a gun held to his head."

He laughed, sighing in content for a moment.

Remus' eyes drifted between the two other men. He ushered them towards him, and in a low whisper that Virgil couldn't hear, he left a remark.

"Don't be too rough with him, alright? He's a good kid."

"Of course, sir."

When the door closed, the men spun back around.

"Sit down then."

"Sorry, I didn't quite catch why the fuck I'm here again?"

He was pushed down into the seat, and tried to get up as his arms were fastened to the arms of the chair by metal.

"We weren't told the intricacies of it all. But, you know something that the government doesn't think you should know. It is our job to make sure you don't know whatever that is anymore."


"We're gonna delve into your memories and select certain things to remove. It's for your own good."

Virgil relinquished a choked breath. Oh my God. He kicked his feet at the men trying to tie him down, now in a slight state of panic.

"Get off me, you dick!"

And once again, he felt a gun to the underside of his chin.

"Listen. In an hour, you'll be back at school, and you won't remember any of this, and it'll all be okay, alright?"

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