Exciting News (A/N)

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Okay! Hi!

I apologise for semi-kind-of-totally abandoning this book, but, as previously mentioned, I've been looking at other horizons.

(Not to mention the fact that my GCSEs are in 7 weeks)

So, if you're a fan of my work (or just wanna get some intel on where the hell I've been), then this might interest you:

I'm now a published author!! 

My book is now officially available for purchase, so, if you like my writing style, you might wanna check it out!

It's an LGBTQ+ fantasy romance novel (titled 'Catharsis) and, I could tell you more, but I think it'd be easier to direct you to the amazon page which has the blurb and other relevant information

Everything to do with it (including my social medias if anyone wants to follow or chat), are in my linktree below:


(for anyone who follows me properly and knows that my name is infact Pluto and is mildly confused, James is my middle name which I choose to publish under)

Thank you so so much! Please let me know if you check it out, I'd love some feedback or to hear from you guys! <3

Stay safe,


(also, quickly, yes, there's a chance I will return to this book, but it would certainly be after my exams are over if I were to finish it, thanks!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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