Chapter 1

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This was never the life I ever would have dreamt for myself.

The life of an assassin.

But this is all I know. I was sold to the Russian MOB when I was three years old.

I eat, sleep and breathe this life.

Well here I am, an eighteen year old gay assassin that knows every way possible to kill a man, woman or child. Come to think of it I've even killed pets before.

The snitch's blood spray all over me as I slice into him.Clean, precise, slashes.

God, I love my bowie knife.

Slicing up a person is an art I perfected when I was twelve. No one stood a chance when it comes to me and my Bowie. But it's messy as hell. Blood was all over me when I was finished with him. I wiped the blood off my blade on my pants leg and lit a cigarette. I watch the lifeless body strapped to the chair for a few seconds and let the animal inside me revel a bit in our handy work.

I know I'm a monster but I have one rule I kill by:

No women, no children.

I looked out the window of the cabin when I heard a car pull up outside.

My heart stops.

It literally skipped a beat when Luka Maksim stepped out of the BMW convertible.


Fuck! Fucking fuckety Fuck!


I thought I would never see Luka Maksim again. The boy who left me here to rot. The boy I loved with every fiber of my being. The boy my heart beats only for. I was such a fool thinking that he could love me as I loved him. Boy was I wrong. So fucking wrong. I hate him now, well, that's what I have to keep telling myself until my heart starts believing it.

But damn! He looked good. Tight white skinny jeans, a blue muscle t shirt under a white letter man jacket and blue timberlands on his feet. Twenty two looked good on him. I wasn't surprised at how he looked. I kindasortastalk him on Facebook. Every few weeks I hack into his account and go through his posts.

What? I'm a modern day assassin.

The Internet is like a psychopath's heaven.

I watch him,saw the surprise on his face when he saw me. I know how I looked, a bloody mess, literally. I smirked a bit as he blanched when he realized that I, Carlos Mendez am The Panther.

Yes, watch what I am!I

What I'm capable of! The beast inside me howled.

I should hate him for abandoning me. I should beat the fuck out of him. Give him a taste of the Panther he left me to become. Show him the demon residing in me.

My cell rang bringing me out of my thoughts.

I pulled my phone out and hit answer. "Panther, Luka should be there at the cabin any minute now. He's back for good and I want you to get him acquainted with the business", my boss Kasimir Maksim, also Luka's father said then hangs up without waiting for a response from me. Even if I could speak I didn't know what to say.

Fucking hell!

I put on my ray bans approaching Luka and Collins, my driver. I nod at Collins and sat in the passenger seat of Luka's car. I shoot a message to the cleanup crew ignoring Luka's eyes on me and closed the door. I tense a little when he entered the car. I turned my head and watched him smile, "No hello! How you've been?" he grins when he started the engine.

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