Chapter Five

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What the fuck could cause that? Oh sweet Jesus! They blew up Carlos' building! I wonder if Sarah and Morris were ok. Oh my goodness! Carlos is going to tear this country apart if anything happened to them. What about the tenants in the hotel? And my father? He's probably really worried. Trey might flip out when he hears about this. Thoughts of all kinds of scenarios went through my mind as I lay beside my Carlos. At least we were safe. For now.....



"Nuh uh!"

"Uh huh"

Nuh uh!"

"Uh huh"

"Shut up and swallow!"

"You dirty, dirty boy," it sounded kinda garbled because of the medicine in my mouth I was desperately trying not to let slide down my throat.

"Oh my god! You nasty little freak! I didn't mean it like that!"

"I'm not the one telling you to shut up and swallow dork," my goodness, anybody hearing us would think the worst things possible.

"Yea well I'm not the one sounding like nails on a chalkboard and you love my dorkiness," my never ending pain in the ass sasses and I was glad for a minute that I never had a mother. My lord! They torture little children with all those medicines and inhalers and thermometers. I shuddered a bit. I pursed my lips to spit the nasty cough syrup out.

"Spit that out and see what happens you little prick!" he seethes so I'm sitting here with a nearly six foot man on my groin and my lips pursed like I'm sucking a dick. I hate you flu. Then the little fuck pinches my nose and kisses me.If his lips weren't so dang soft and sweet I would have shot him in the ass.

It's been like this for the last three days. The two of us touching each other and the occasional kiss. We haven't had sex. Yet.but we're slowly moving towards it. I tense up a bit when his hands went up my shirt and over my abs

"Sorry," Luka whispers as he got off me. The same rejected look in his eyes as the last time I did this to him. I didn't mean to make him feel as if I didn't want him. It's just my tattoo on my back would make me look like a pussy. "It's ok. I need a shower anyway" I said as I made my way to the bathroom. He just nodded not looking at me.

"Fuck!" I whisper shout to myself as I stripped and went under the warm spray. I needed to figure shit out. And fast because Luka wasn't stupid. Pretty soon he's gonna question me about why I don't take off my shirt around him or let him touch my skin. I stepped out of the shower and looked myself in the full length mirror. I looked better than yesterday and I could definitely use a shave. I wrapped a towel around my waist as I prepared a pair of disposable razors.

"Carlos?" Fuck! The strain in his voice let me know that he read it. Those fucking words inked on the left side of my back. I got it after I saw him for the first time since he left when I was fifteen. It was a combination of a Jennifer Hudson and Taylor Swift songs that read:

You said you'll protect me.

From heartache, pain, lies, loneliness and misery.

You promised things would be okay,

Where you at?

It's never simple never easy.

No one's here to save me,
You're the only thing I know like the back of my hand.

And I can't breathe,
Without you but I have to.

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