Chapter Seven

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The shakes took over, my voice gone except to sob like a newborn baby. My heart racing as if it wanted to run away from me. Cold sweating, bile rising up to my throat as I dry heaved.

A pinch to my arm and then nothing but blackness.



Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

I saw the glint of the gun's nuzzle before I saw the man. I grabbed Luka and shoved him into a taxi that had really great timing.

"Fucking drive!" I shout at the cab driver who was literally shaking.

"Drive this fucking car or we're all dead!" that seemed to snap him from his stupor and he peeled off with gunshots blasting us left and right.

Can't I just fucking go a couple of days without some gunshots? Fuck! I shot cover fire taking out a couple of the assholes that were shooting at us while giving the driver directions to Cassimir's penthouse. I pushed Luka down onto the floor as we swerved in and out of traffic.

The cab squealed to a stop in front of the address I gave him. I tossed a wad of bills at him and pulled Luka out of the car and into the house. Casimir's guards surrounded us and locked down the perimeter.

"Luka, are you alright?" shit it looks as if he's in shock. Gently I gathered him in my arms and then all hell broke loose. The boy started shaking and sobbing. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to comfort him. I just didn't know.

Kasimir came into the room with a needle and shot Luka up with something. Before I knew what was going on Luka was out like a light. Tear tracks down his face and his breathing evened out.

"What did you give him?" I asked Kasimir who looked as if he's seen a ghost.

"Just an advanced version of sleeping pills. He should be asleep for the next four hours," Kasimir said blankly putting down the needle and taking Luka from my arms. I followed him upstairs. I pulled back the covers while he gently laid Luka down and pulled the covers back over him. I sat beside Luka and combed his hair back with my fingers. He looks so angelic.

"Carlos, I don't know who is doing this. I am scared for my boy," I froze. Did Kasimir just tell me he's scared?

"I don't know why Luka would be targeted so. I can't find a thing that point to someone," Kasimir says exasperated.

"I can't trust anyone. Except you. Carlos I need you to take care of my boy," I should probably breathe. Air was stuck in my lung. This is one stupid plan. I can't keep dodging bullets forever. I mean I can but I can't keep Luka safe forever.

"No. You need to keep him under the radar. Send him to Fiji or something. I've got shit to do," I said rising from Luka's bedside.

"I can't leave him with anyone else Carlos!" Kasimir shouts then covers his trembling lips. My eyes widens when Kasimir's fill with unshed tears.

"I don't know if it's because I'm trying to go legit. Or even if a rival family is behind all these attacks," he fists his greying hair in both hands sinking heavily onto the side of Luka's bed that I just vacated.

"I just don't know and that's what's eating me alive. I don't know what or who or why. I know jack shit about what's going on and I can't protect Luka. He would have been dead by now if it wasn't for you," Kasimir says harshly still ripping at his hair like a crazy person.

"Look. I have a plan. I need you to keep Luka on absolute lock down for a while. Do not let him out of your sight unless I contact you and tell you otherwise," I said to my boss.

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