Chapter Eight

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I stripped off my clothes and pulled off Luka's shoes and joined him in bed. God I needed this. I snuggled closer to him wrapping my body around his. I sighed contentedly at the feeling. This maybe the only chance I get for a long while so I'm gonna be in his bed until it's time for me to go. I just hope he understands that I'm doing this to keep him safe.

To keep him as innocent and ignorant as possible of this life I live.

Come to think of it, I'm glad he left. I'm glad he at least had a chance at normal. That he remained pure.



I can't keep doing this. I can't keep using Carlos.

When I needed somebody as a kid Carlos was always there and then when I saw what my father did to him I left without a thought as to how it would affect him. Then when I got attacked I ran straight back to him. He's been saving my life ever since. I never even asked him if he wanted to be my personal body guard and bullet proof vest.

Oh god! I'm even worse than my father. I lead him on, gave him comfort and just snatched it away from him. Gave him false hope that I'd be there right beside him through everything. I pinky swore that it'll be me and him against all odds. I broke a promise so sacred to all kids.

I guess this fairytale I had in my head was just me trying to make our fucked up life look good. Or maybe I'm just that selfish. Always about what I want.

Always about how it affects me.

Always about me.

Maybe I should let him go. No.

I have to let him go. Let him live the life he wants. Even if it's not with me. Maybe he'll find somebody who won't abandon him like I did because I couldn't deal.

"Luka!" I snap my head in the direction of where his voice shouted my name.

"Where were you? You still space out like that" he chuckled. I am currently at a loss. I mean just last week he wouldn't even look at me and since the shooting he's trying to be my bestie. My bestie with benefits. He made out with me every chance he got and I was selfish enough to just roll with it.

"Sorry. My mind has as mind of its own. What were you saying?" I tried my most genuine smile but I'm sure it looks as if my face was mutilated. Since the shoot out last week I've been doing some soul searching. The new and improved Luka 2.0.

"I was asking you what kind of outfit you're wearing tomorrow?" oh dad was throwing a masquerade ball. That's the only thing I'm actually looking forward to. I just wish my mom was here.

"Dad got me a tux. you got an outfit?" I asked

"That's a surprise, it's the point of a masquerade ball," he gave me the duh look and an eye roll, just like when we were kids.

"Whatever, smart ass," I returned his eye roll as he hovered over me and gave me a slow kiss. Gently biting on my bottom lip as his hand roamed my chest and I gripped his jersey. I moaned low when he pinched my nipple. He let our kiss heat up to a hundred degrees. I was ready to just flip over and let him have his way. But then he slowed it down to lazy, gentle kisses, ending it with little pecks as he stared into my eyes.

"Oh! We're going to a masquerade ball Luka," Carlos says sitting up on his elbows.

"I know Carlos," I rolled my eyes at him.

"Remember when we used to waltz?" he asked and I chuckled.

I remember begging my mom to teach me how to dance the waltz. Then I taught Carlos all the moves while he whined that I was acting like a girl. Good times those were.

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