Chapter Ten

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"I know you're leaving," I murmured loud enough for him to hear.


"Shh... it's alright Carlos," I gave him a half smile. He came over and sat on the edge of the bed. He ran his fingers through my hair and it was so soothing.

I felt him move away for a few moments but then the bed shifted and his arms came around me. I smiled and snuggled closer. "I love you Carlos," I murmured tangling our legs together.



I didn't think it'll be this hard. I psyched myself up for last night. Did the whole sweeping off the feet thing for him. I frigging waltzed in front of a lot of people. I don't know what came over me. Yea, I'm Spanish but I didn't mean to become the next Antonio Banderas.

I'm not gonna lie. I want it. What we had last night. Man, I want it. Everything was so easy and familiar. No careful moves or screened words. It was us just being us. Him being beautiful as always. Being the sweet to my bitter. I've never ever been with anybody else as I am with Luka. He just gets me. He calms my beast.

I'm so whipped.

I had a perfectly good plan. Get in and quickly get out. He was supposed to fall asleep with these nice memories of us and he would have gotten my note and a speech from his dad this morning. He would have maybe moped around for a little while but he'd have been better. He's as perky as a puppy. He would have been fine.

I wanted to seduce him but I would have felt like a right bastard fucking him and then disappearing. I held him for a while longer than I should. I'll miss this. His body against mine. His stupid pineapple flavored shampoo.

I kissed his lips softly, ran my fingers across them and up his cheek.

Good bye.

I carefully pulled on my pants. Which would have been easier if they weren't so frickin tight. I swear my nuts would curse me if they could.

"You're leaving already?" shocks! Luka flipped on the lights and rubbed his eyes while I'm frozen with my legs in my pants like I'm a one night stand trying to sneak off.

"Yea, I need an early start to where I'm going," I said doing up my buttons.

He watched nibbling on his lower lip as I started putting on my boots. Gosh, he even got me to wear this get up for him too.

"Kiss me. One last time before you go," he's making it so damned hard. He swallowed loudly and I can tell he was fighting his tears.

And so I did. I kissed him. With everything in me, I kissed him, trying to tell him everything.

I love you.

I'll miss you.

I'll see you as soon as I can.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

He fisted my shirt and held onto me tightly, as if this might be the last time he would. I broke the kiss abruptly and stared at him.

This beautiful boy.

It finally dawned, this might be the last time.

He bit his lip hard forcing his tears at bay.

His eyes said it all.

He was letting me go, even though it was killing him.

And I felt like crying too. Seeing him like this. I can't let him know I was doing this for him. He'll try and stop me. And maybe we'll always be looking over our shoulders. I don't want to do that when I'd rather be looking at him.

I leaned in again and captured his lips. I watched as his eyes squeezed shut and his tears spilled. I kissed both his eye lids and pressed our foreheads together.

"Make love to me," it was my turn to squeeze my eyes shut.

His broken, "Please," pulled at my heart. When his lips trembled my resolve broke.

I attacked his mouth. Stamped my claim on those sweet lips. Hot and searing I claimed them. He rose to meet me with his own desperate need, tearing at my shirt and vest and tossing them about haphazardly. I came off the bed to take off my pants and boots. I glanced at him and froze. Now there's a gorgeous picture.

Luka watching me, all bedroom eyes, his lips swollen and red from my primal kisses. His body flushed with want.

"What are you looking at?" he asked softly.

"Heaven," I whispered against his lips as I draped his body with mine.

"I love you," he gasped as I kissed and nibbled down his neck. I rose, locking eyes with him. Such honest truth.

"I love you too," then like a dam being broken we rushed at each other. Gasping and kissing. Flesh sliding against flesh. Feeling and committing everything to memory. His gasps and moans. The way he says my name. The way his body flushed, his lips quivering, the pounding of our hearts, our harsh breathing. This was the most beautiful song I've ever heard.

"Take me," he whispered against my lips when his body was ready for mine.

I watched in complete rapture. All his expressions as I entered him. Sliding slowly. Careful so I won't hurt him. His body trembled and so did mine. My heart pounded away in my chest. He held tight on to my shoulder. His nails digging in as he tossed his head back and moaned my name. The sexy expanse of his neck on display. I ran my tongue along the smooth column, coming up behind his ear.

I've had all sorts of kinky sex before but never has anybody ever held onto me like this. Luka held onto me as if I would disappear like a dream if he released me for even one second.

"I love you, I love you so much," he kept whispering as I rocked our bodies. I've never made love in my life. But if this was making love then I want it.

Luka arched up to meet my every thrust. Perfect. He was simply perfect.

I felt his orgasm tear through him. His body squeezing my shaft as he came causing my thrusts to falter and my own release rushes through me.

The sun rose, its gentle rays streaked through the curtains as our breathing quieted down. Though Luka still held on to me as tightly as he could. I was still lodged in his body when his breath hitched. I rolled us over so that he was on top of me.

If he said the words 'don't go' to me right now, I don't think I ever would.



I know it's not very graphic but I wanted this chap to portray their love. The sacrifices they make for each other. 

To the top is Carlos' outfit. Sexy huh?

and the song is Signs of Love Making by Tyrese, the ultimate man. god i swear his voice could melt my panties!

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