Chapter Fourteen

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Luka hasn't even notice me in the room. He was just staring at his uncle. His hand gripping the back rest of Kasimir's chair. All his knuckles white, all the color draining from his face.

"Why? Why Uncle Demi?" He asked finally.

"Because you plotted to kill your father Luka," Dimitri said simply and all hell broke loose.



"Luka," my father looks at me, pain and shock evident in the way he slumped in his chair. I looked at my uncle and saw the same thing.

"Dad... remember when I left for college?"

"Yes. You weren't supposed to go but then one morning you had all your bags packed just like that," he answered with a slight nod.

"The night before... I followed you guys when you took Carlos up to the cabin," dad's stare changed, he knew what I was talking about.

"I saw what you did to him... I saw what you made him do... I was disgusted. I wanted to go in there and take those knives from him and stab you to death. I couldn't believe you would do something like that to him. I was ashamed of you," I whispered harshly.

"That night I regretted you were my father. That night I wanted to get away from you," I turn his chair so that he can look at me. I never thought I'd get the chance to say these things to him.

In a way this is a blessing in disguise. Since I left for college my father and I always had a strained relationship. "I couldn't stay dad, knowing what you were doing to Carlos all those years right under my nose. I... I foolishly thought that when you told me you were taking Carlos for training it was just the usual hunting , target practice and hand to hand combat. I always wondered why Carlos came back from that cabin so dead inside. He wouldn't talk, he'd have nightmares. Just fucking dead and it killed me knowing that you, my father were doing this to him. Seeing you force him to skin that man alive was it. The last straw for me and so I ran. I didn't want any part of that life dad. I still don't," I shook my head, my eyes prickling with tears.

My father would never know how much I hated him, how much I wished he was dead when I saw them. He'd never know how much I cried for Carlos.

Nobody would know how much I regretted leaving him with my father.

"Dad I wanted to kill you because you were destroying the one person I loved," I gulped, fighting not to lose it.

"I wanted to kill you for ripping away his childhood and turning him into a man before he was ten. I wanted to kill you because you were killing me slowly from the inside because as much as I hated you for extinguishing every trace of innocence in the boy I love, I still loved you just as much, even though I wrote in that diary everything I wish I could do to you I couldn't because you are all the family I have left."

Turning to my uncle I left my father speechless and looking paler than moonlight itself. I knelt at Demi's feet.

"I know what you read in that diary uncle but I never acted on any of those thoughts or feelings. Writing in that diary was my therapy, was the only thing keeping me from going insane," Demi looks at me, face blank.

"And I am sorry Luka. You know I don't accept betrayal very well since..." he trailed off looking over my shoulder.

I get where he's coming from. Demi had a step brother on his mother's side. He tried to kill Demi when they were teens and Demi knew nothing about it until he saw and heard for himself.

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