Chapter Nine

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"Aite. Aite. I hear you. but I have a special request. The spot light is gonna be shone directly on one of you," the DJ said mysteriously. Cheers erupted.

"Now when that happens I want you guys to clear the floor, except for the person illuminated. NOW SHAKE THOSE ASSES!" he shouts and the music was pumping again

I got another drink and danced until light blinded me. People started moving away from me and that was when I realized I was smack dab in the middle of the dance floor. Oh shit! NO NO NO NO NO NO. This is not happening.



Another spot light came on and I started mentally chanting YES YES YES because damn! Trust me, you would want a piece of that too. Sexy. Absolutely fucking hot. Like burn your panties, briefs and boxers hot. I swear I wanted to swoon.

I was actually expecting a girl but again Dayummm! The man making his way towards me had on tight stone washed skinny jeans tucked into black combat boots, a black general coat fitted his torso perfectly with a white vest under and his entire face was covered by his mask.

Crap, who the heck is this? I wonder if Carlos would wear something so risqué. I crossed my fingers behind my back and whispered under my breath, "Please be Carlos," because it's just weird thinking of another man being hot when I'm in love with Carlos.

He walked so confidently and gracefully, stopping in front of me and offered his gloved hand with a tilt of his head to me. Tentatively I placed my hand in his. The room was deathly quiet. Like everyone was holding their breath. Heck even I was.

I had no idea who this person was. I felt really nervous. Like that feeling before your first date. Or your first job interview. Would Carlos be angry that I accepted this dance? Would he kill the man? Oh my God! He totally would!

I was about to snatch my hand away and do the runaway bride when the man pulled me flush against his body suddenly and I gasped in surprise. His other hand resting on the small of my back.

"Relax Luka. It's me," Carlos whispered in my ear pulling me a fraction closer before stepping back a bit. Thank you Lord, Budha, Allah and every single holy deity out there. He looked toward the DJ then back at me, "Let's waltz."

A big smile takes over. This boy. I shook my head at him taking my stance. And we waltzed.

I felt as if we were the only two persons on the planet. It was kinda weird waltzing to a Shakira song. But then he held me. God he held me as if I would disappear. As if he couldn't let me go. I wanted to kiss him so badly. My heart raced and my palms sweated.

"Come with me," he whispered breathlessly.

"I'll follow you anywhere," oh my god! I sound like a chick. I heard him chuckle giving my hand a tug and leading me out the ballroom and out the house.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"You don't trust me?" he countered.

"Off course I trust you. You know I'm a ride or die guy. But I be asking questions, I'm not stupid."

"Oh yea, questions like what?" he took off his mask and smirked'

"I dunno, questions like where we going? Will there be food? Why I gotta die?" I mean come on its common sense.

"Luka, you are so weird sometimes," and he cackled. Yes cackled at me. I rolled my eyes at him and followed like the whipped dog I am.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yea," I smiled when he took my hand.

"Sorry you weren't the one doing the sweeping off the feet."

"Psh! Nah, you're better at it" I giggled.

"Wow." we stopped in front of a cabin like house. It was nice and cute.

"You'll be staying the night here. You wanna go back to the party?" he asked swinging my hand like we were in third grade. I didn't miss the fact that he said 'you' and not 'we'.

"Nah... show me around," I liked this. The music low, us just being together.

"Ooohh... are you being romantic Carlos?" I asked as he once again pulled me in to dance.

"Well, you do know what they say about Spanish men," he twirled and dipped me

"Hmm? No I don't think I know," I said cheekily. He chuckled, gosh he's sexy.

We swayed. Our arms tightly around each other, my head tucked under his chin, my cheek against his heart as it raced under my ear. I smiled a bit at that. We ate and danced some more. We talked and laughed until my eyes started drooping.

"Come on sleepy head, time for bed," he helped me strip out of my clothes and into bed.

"I know you're leaving," I murmured loud enough for him to hear when he tucked me in.


"Shh... it's alright Carlos," he came over and sat on the edge of the bed. He ran his fingers through my hair.

I felt him move away for a few moments but then the bed shifted and his arms came around me. I smiled and snuggled closer. "I love you Carlos," I murmured tangling our legs together.



So you like?

I decided to have a bit of fun. And make Luka look not so much of a douche for abandoning my Spanish stud.

Shout out to


DanielleWilson89 my love! miss you muahzz!

I3nor3 long time no hear sugar?

Livin_Like_Carrie muahzz!



Babyangel20 thanks for all the votes

RashaudEstes i am panting and waiting for your next chapter lol. is Jose feeling better boo. kiss your babies for me.

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