Chapter Thirteen

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This man enjoying this restful night of sleep should have known.

He should have known that I am a sick, twisted bastard. A shadow in the shadows. A flash of black in the night.

Why risk it all? He has a great family. One that would kill for him if someone even threw him a wayward glance.

He should have known that I would come for him. That my face would be the last thing he sees before I send him home. That the last feeling he would get is my Bowie sliding into his flesh and sinking to his heart.

He should have known never to fuck with an Assassin's Love.



As much as I wanted to I couldn't just dim his lights. He means too much to the business. To the Boss.

To my love.

Made me track him all over the western hemisphere only to end back up right where I started.

But that's beside the point, the point is that he made me lose a month and two weeks away from the one I love. From Luka.

Now I'm back but I don't know.

How would this affect Luka?

He'll be crushed.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I'm so angry right now I could take apart this house with my bare hands, all sixty five hundred square feet. Fucking hell!

I glare at the bed, burning a hole in the man's forehead right where my bullet should have gone. But I'm saving him..for my bowie knife.

As much as I wanted to I couldn't just dim his lights. He means too much to the business. To the Boss.

To my love.

Made me track him all over the western hemisphere only to end back up right where I started.

But that's beside the point; the point is that he made me spend a month and two weeks away from the Luka.

That's a month and a half of no loving. No kissing. No sexing. Nothing.

I mean have you seen that Russian? I'd hit that sexy ass all day and night if I could.

I'm getting off point here.

I placed a hand over his mouth and placed my gun right between his eyes. I woke with a start and I saw the realization in his eyes. He knows why I'm here. He nodded his head and I released his mouth. Slowly I stepped away from him but kept my gun trained on him while he gently got out of bed. He kissed his wife on her forehead. I tossed the suit at him to change into it. At least let him die in style huh? When he finished I pointed at the pair of Italian dress shoes by the foot of the bed.

"We are going to walk out of this house together. Give me any trouble and there will be a massacre here tonight," I murmured coldly. He knew me; he knows I don't make idle threats. He just nodded and pulled on the cuffs of his jacket and took a fortifying breath.

I followed him after tucking away my gun back in its holster. I nodded at the guards who moved jumpy when they saw me. "Boys, some urgent business came up. I'm riding in with Panther here. Get back to work," he says sternly and I could see the disgust in his eyes.

"You pay them a lot but you have to remember I'm not the best for nothing. I could have killed them all," I murmured when we reached his garage. I decided on the GT50 and I drove us to Kasimir's.

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