Chapter Eleven

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The sun rose, its gentle rays streaked through the curtains as our breathing quieted down. Though Luka still held on to me as tightly as he could. I was still lodged in his body when his breath hitched. I rolled us over so that he was on top of me.

If he said the words 'don't go' to me right now, I don't think I ever would.



"It's time," Carlos whispers. I wish I could rewind time...or even slow it down. I clung to him. I didn't want to let him go. Not even for a second. But I had to.

"B-be careful, ok?" I said. My throat threatening to close up on me.

"I always am Luka," he kissed my forehead and I gave him a watery smile.

God I feel like I'm sending him off to war or something. Shit, I am. Technically...

"Do something with me before you go.'ll only take about half an hour," I practically begged.

He gave me a look of confusion, "And that would be?"

"I'm not sure yet but trust me?" I asked skeptically when he narrowed his eyes. I pouted a bit at him because I know he was going to go full interrogation mode on me.

"Fine but it better be on the way to the airport," he sighed kissing my shoulder. I loved the way his warm lips felt on my bare skin.

I giggled. I shit you not, giggled in excitement.

I strode with a purpose to toward the building, Carlos grabs the back of my jersey and pulls me back gesturing to the doors I stood in front of.

"We are going to get matching tattoos," I stated and crossed my arms when his eyebrows shot up in disbelief.

"Luka, I guarantee you would pass the fuck out the second that needle touches your skin," he snickered.

"Fuck you," I punched his arm playfully. "I'll do anything for you," that sobered him up.

"Yea?" he asks taking my hand.

"Yea." I whispered gluing myself to his side as we enter Rebellious; the tattoo shop Carlos goes to to get his works done.

Well he was right. The second Tony's needle pierced my skin I was out like a little bitch. Don't judge ok? The only pointy thing I'm comfortable with poking me is a dick ok? Preferably Carlos'.

I stayed strong until he boarded his plane. Kept swallowing down that lump of pain until he disappeared. Then I let it loose. I was a sobbing mess.

I wanted so badly to beg him to stay with me. To never leave my side.

I knew he wasn't leaving because of some stupid deal he made with my dad and he wasn't leaving because he wanted to be free. He was leaving because he wanted to free me. I saw it in his eyes. I felt it in his kiss.

"You better come back to me Carlos," I whispered into the night. I couldn't find the strength to leave this bed. This bed he made love to me on. Couldn't find it in me to move at all. These sheets that had his scent still lingering. I know he had to go but it didn't hurt any less. When I got back from the airport I didn't leave the house until two days later. I got a post card from him. It read;

Chin up love.

Take care of your ink.

See you soon,

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