Chapter Twelve

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Another post card? I grinned, my heart doing a flip in excitement as I threw myself on the bed and sat with my legs under me, typical chick reaction.

I took my time and opened the envelope; together with the card was a pressed rose. Placing it aside carefully I opened the card.

I'm miserable without you,

Hope you are too,

So I'll know you miss me as

Much as I miss you.



I held it to my chest and smiled through my tears.

This friggin' boy.



Whoever said distance makes the heart grow fonder is an ass.

Distance makes you want to drop everything and go back, fuck consequences.

Distance makes you listen to sad songs all day and night. Your YouTube searches are 'songs about missing him' or 'greatest love songs of all time'.

Distance makes you abso-fuckin'-lutely crazy.

It makes you do messed up things. Decisions are easier because they're always made with the intention of going home. Of reuniting with what you're missing...who you're missing.

Distance makes you buy pressed roses and mail them to your beloved with cheesy post cards attached.

Distance makes you get cute couples tattoo and every moment your hand is free you're tracing it absently with your fingertips.

Distance makes you sexually frustrated.

Sexually deprived.

It makes you reminisce on that last time.

The last time you touched and kissed.

The last time he whispered your name on a gasp as you made love to his body.

The last time you made him scream your name and beg for you to take him.

The last time he held onto you tightly as if he's afraid you'll disappear while he came down from a powerful orgasm.

His scent.

His taste.

His smile.

His eyes.

His heart.

His love.

Knowing what I would be going home to make my time away more excruciating than before.

Before, I knew the only people who would be glad I returned are my staff. Shit, sometimes I was not happy to return to my lonely life.

Money... that really can't buy happiness...but a distraction from how fucked up your life is... well let's just say my returns are always epic.

But now... I still can't believe it no matter how much I twist and turn it around in my mind.

Luka would be waiting for me.

I feel like going to the top of the Empire State Building and scream 'LUKA IS WAITING FOR ME'.

God, he has me whipped. I said it already but damn.

I caught myself smiling today... smiling... me... haha!

But then that smile turned evil. It turned disgusted with what I found.

All these attacks on Luka for what?

Even I didn't know. No matter what angle I turned made no sense. None at all.

Money had no factor. That fucker is rich as hell.

Revenge... for what?

Luka won't hurt a fly.

The only power this man would get from killing Luka is the knowledge that he took Kasimir's only child.

All those men I killed.

All those men I tortured were for what? What?

I stared at him while he slept peacefully. His wife snuggled close beside him. I sat gently at the foot of their bed and listened as he snored softly.

Does he even know what is with him in his home? Does he know the Panther slinked around his entire house and his guards were clueless as I slipped past them silent as silence itself?

This man enjoying this restful night of sleep should have known.

He should have known that I am a sick, twisted bastard. A shadow in the shadows. A flash of black in the night.

Why risk it all? He has a great family. One that would kill for him if someone even threw him a wayward glance.

He should have known that I would come for him. That my face would be the last thing he sees before I send him home. That the last feeling he would get is my Bowie sliding into his flesh and sinking to his heart.

He should have known never to fuck with an Assassin's Love.


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