Chapter Three

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"I said drop them Panther" the monkey faced fucker said again firing a round on the ground a couple of inches away from Luka's foot.

"Fuck! Okay, okay Fine!" I shout tossing my guns a few feet away and raised my hands palm up.

"You really are a fool when it comes to Luka Maksim, Aren't ya? Well now you'll watch him die like he should have two weeks ago," the fucker sneers then laughs at the surprise on my face.

"Oh? He didn't tell you? Wait. You thought he came back for you! Ha! Ha! What a joke. Well at least you'll see him before he dies " he brought the nuzzle flush against Luka's temple and pulled the trigger.



My entire body went into overdrive.

I could feel my body throb in sync with my heart.

White noise. I think I'm hearing white noise.


I know what that sound is.

"What the hell! Stupid freaking gun!"

I have a chance.

Luka pushes his captor away and ran behind some barrels while he was distracted cursing his useless gun.

Good boy.

I bent over and pulled the five inch dagger from my boot. Not as good as my Bowie but it'll do a fine job nonetheless.

I slowly stalked closer and stood in front of him. My heart rate decelerates and my demon comes out to play. He blanched when he realized how close I was. I give him a cold smile.

I stabbed him on the left thigh, blocking his attempt of a punch, nicking his femoral artery just about two centimeters wide, then his spleen, I punctured his left lung and now to finish by sinking my blade into his jugular and rip it out.

"Carlos! Please stop!" I froze, the tip of my blade already pressed against the pulse point drawing blood. My hand holding the idiot by his hair in position on his knees in front of me.

I slowly removed the blade from his neck and kneed him in the face, knocking him out cold.

My head was bent and I was gripping the handle of my dagger tightly. Luka's shoes came into view. My heart resumed banging in my chest. I was afraid to look at Luka. I wonder what he would see. I flinched at the touch of his hand on my cheek.

"Hey, hey, it's alright, I'm safe ok?" Luka says softly raising my head with his hand.

I jerked my head away from his touch when a car pulled up to a screeching stop.

Kasimir and four of his men came out of the vehicle and swept the area then entered the warehouse. Kasimir came over to where we were standing and pulled Luka into a hug.

"My boy, I was so worried. Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" he asked, concern coming off him in waves.

"I'm fine dad, thanks to Carlos this piece of shit didn't kill me," Luka responds patting his father's shoulder and pointed to the unconscious man on the ground.

"How is he still alive?" Kasimir asked looking to me for an answer. I just shrugged, fuck if I know. Luka asked me to stop and I did.

"Yea... About that. Um that was totally my fault. I asked him to stop," Luka responds quickly.

I still can't find my bearings. I closed my eyes and took a breath and cleared my mind. Wait a minute!

"When were you going to tell me Luka has been and is being targeted?" I asked looking from father to son. The fool slept under my roof, on my bed and didn't have the courtesy to tell me.

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