Chapter Fifteen

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"Nephew, just because your dad was fine joking and talking about it does not mean him or me for that matter wants to see Carlos practically fuck you against his office wall," Demi oh so politely said.


"Sorry man, I'll just tote him off to my lair next time," Carlos jibed letting my leg down. I didn't play, I smacked his chest and gave him a harsh glare, well I tried but have you seen that boy. I couldn't be mad even if I wanted to.

And I did kinda want him to tote me off somewhere and ravish me all night long.



"You're here," Luka breathes when I finally got him alone.

"Yea, guess I am," I smiled at him, our hands locked together.

"What's going to happen to Uncle Demi?" Luka asks his smile dropping.

"I don't know. He can't... You know he can't just walk away," I said and Luka swallows hard and nodded.

"You know, I thought when I came back I'd surprise you, drive down the coast. Dinner at some fancy hotel then rent a pent house for us," I mumbled swinging our hands.

"I thought we'd have a fuck-a-thon but eh? That sounds lovely too," Luka smiles and gives me this look.

"What's with the look?"

"What look? I don't got no look," he says quickly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked again.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just... I missed you so much," Luka whimpers pressing his nose into my neck.

"I missed you too," I kissed his forehead.

"Hey, come with me. I've got something to show you," I said holding onto Luka's hand a bit tighter. He gave me that stupid smile that makes my heart do back flips.


"You'll see when we get there," I smiled back at him and tugged on his hand to leave the room.

I smirked as Luka practically pouted almost the entire car ride to where I'm taking him, I'm talking about that adorable scowl pout thing he does.

"You are so mean to me," he says, arms crossed as I pulled into the garage.

"I'm mean to you because I love you," I smiled kissing his cheek sloppily.

"Why are we here?" Luka asks getting out of the car.

"I bought it."

"You bought The Renoir?" Luka asks incredulously.

"Uh-yea? Why, what's wrong with The Renoir?"

"Nothing! They have, I mean you have the best honey moon suite!" Luka practically squealed.

"And how would you know about the honey moon suite? Have you been stepping out on me?" I sneered. The fuck? While I been up and down the fucking globe to keep him safe this asshole has been going to honey moon suits and shit.

"Oh God no!" Luka holds my shoulders and looks at my face.

"I won't ever do that. I love you," Luka frowns for a second and his eyes twinkled with mischief.

"Well... I may give it up for a man like Ryan Reynolds," he adds cheekily.

"But that still don't explain to me how the fuck you know about The Renoir's honey moon suite," I gritted out.

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