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"Come on baby. Don't glare at daddy," the bastard coos getting off the bed and picking me up like I'm a chick or something.

"Lemme kiss it better," Luka murmurs and I couldn't do anything but close my eyes and press my fist into my mouth while Luka rocked my world with his mouth.

"Lemme kiss it better," Luka murmurs and I couldn't do anything but close my eyes and press my fist into my mouth while Luka rocked my world with his mouth

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"Don't touch me," Carlos hissed at me jerking his face away from my hand.

"Why? You like it," I smirked remembering earlier this morning and last night, even I couldn't believe Carlos could make those noises.

"Luka I swear I'll cut your dick off if you don't leave me alone," he says quickly and smiled at my father who frowned at us while we kicked at each other under the table making the wares shake and water nearly spilling out of the glasses.

"What is wrong with the two of you?" dad asked narrowing his eyes at me in that way that let me know that if I don't stop whatever I was doing he'd slap me upside the head.


"Carlos can't sit cause his butt hurts," I blurt cutting off Carlos' denial.

"You asshole!" Carlos tackled me down to the floor punching at me hard and maneuvered my head in a lock that cut off my breathing completely while I futilely grabbed at his arm.

"Boys!" Dad growled while I couldn't get a wisp of air into my lungs.

He'll let go right? He said he loves me.

"Next time I'm crippling your ass," Carlos muttered in my ear before releasing me when dad stood and loomed over us.

"What am I going to do with the two of you?" Dad asked ruefully and shook his head.

"Waiter! I need a damned pillow for this one," he shouts and points at Carlos who glares at his former employer and retook his seat.

A few snickers rose from the other people dining at this fine legit establishment dad owned.

Carlos begrudgingly accepted the pillow the waiter brought a few minutes later. The many whiskeys he had seemed to numb his pain as he started smiling at me during our second course.

"So when's the wedding?" Dad asked making both Carlos and I grimace.

"Well I was thinking of shacking up with your son indefinitely and living in sin for the rest of our days," Carlos mutters stabbing at his potatoes while I laughed like a fool.

"Well guess that'll be easier when you're ready to leave his dumb ass. No muss; no fuss."

"Daddy!" I scowled at the man that was supposed to have my back.

"What? You can't expect Carlos to put up with you forever? You're quite needy Luka and a bit high maintenance. Annoying sometimes," Dad smirked the more I glared at him.

"Ah... Kas, I think I'll take him off your hands. Let you live out your days in peace cause we both know you won't get any with him around," Carlos butts in sounding put out.

"Take me off his hands?" I huffed.

"Yea. I'll marry ya. Least I could do for your momma. You know she prayed you won't remain ugly and alone forever," Carlos says and I glared at him too imagining his head exploding.

"Well as far as proposals go you're seriously lacking everything that makes a guy say yes," I turned away from the two assholes with my arms crossed and smiled at the blonde that winked at me. Damn, some girls are so easy.

"Luka. Luka. Luka. Luka," Carlos kept saying my name.

"What! Oh..." Carlos had this gold band in a box with a small square diamond on top.

"Marry me?"

"Yea whatever. Only because you're ugly and I don't want you to be alone forever either," sighed sticking out my hand for him to put my ring on.

My stomach flipped, my heart raced and oh god! He's making me feel like a girl and it's getting hard to force down my blush. Gah! I feel like I should be skipping or something, put red bows in my hair and giggle like I'm going insane. But all in a manly way off course.

We finished dinner with my dad and returned to Carlos' hotel.


"Hmmm?" Carlos stripped all his clothes laid face down on the bed.

"What are you gonna do for work?" I asked, no offense but I don't even know what Carlos is good at and killing don't count.

"Oh your dad set me up with a body guard position," he mutters rolling over and making room for me beside him.

"Who'll you be guarding?" I really don't like the idea of him in a position to take a bullet for anyone.

"A six year old girl."

"But... won't you have to like, be there all the time?" I asked cause I've been guarded my whole life and I know those guys don't have a life.

"Well... I did want to talk to you about that. You see we'll be taking care of her too. Like uncles," Carlos says and my eyes widened.

"We'll be parents?" excitement was kicking in.

"No. we'll be cool uncles, the kid has parents already," Carlos answered cautiously.

"But how?"

"Her dad is the king of some little country somewhere and war broke out. Your dad is helping the man keep his daughter safe," vague much?

"Oh... okay then. I think I'll be a good 'cool uncle'," Carlos pulled me in his arms and I couldn't help but wonder if we'll ever be that normal: live in an actual house, have pets and adopt kids.

"Stop thinking so hard, you'll damage your brain," Carlos mumbled and I laughed.

"Good night baby," I kissed his cheek.

"Good night, mi precioso," if he only knows what his native tongue does to me.

Maybe we'll have a bunch of bad ass kids; maybe we'll adopt a snake as a pet. Hell we might even live in hotels all our lives but once I'm with my guy I'm good. We could live in a box for all I care. Once I had my Carlos. My assassin.

El Fin.

El Fin

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