Chapter Four

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I know how could I forget someone was trying to kill me? Simple Carlos makes me forget everything. Sometimes even my own name.

Look out Carlos because I'm not giving up until you're screaming my name.



Since we went to dinner with Kassimir last week I was basically reserved as Luka's man servant/bodyguard by his dad. He's not to leave my sight for more than the time it takes to piss or shit and even then I have to go inside the loo with him.

I found out that Luka was being targeted for no apparent reason. Kassimir had hired two P.Is and none of them found anything. Luka was practically a saint. Well, apart from being a manwhore. He had never had any type of violent altercations since he went off to college, no ex-girlfriends or boyfriends. Every single person they found that he had a fling with only stated how much of a sweetie he is. No fights with friends, he hasn't even had a warning. Mystery didn't even begin to describe it.

After hashing out some suggestions we agreed that someone was targeting Kassimir through Luka. But for what we have no idea as they never made communication or threats. Just properly executed attacks. I kept my thoughts private because kassimir will hang me by the balls if I suggest inside job with no proof.

"Mmmmh," I moaned at the smell assaulting my nose. Shrimp curried Indian style and rice. My stomach rumbled. Luka has been spoiling me with food and snacks and little things like foot rubs. Sometimes he'd even run a bath for me. I don't know what he's after but he won't get it.

I thought he was trying to get into my pants but if he was he'd just tell me to drop my pants point blank. I've been on the lookout for anything that would clue me in but the last time I asked he just smiled like one of them little housewives from the Lifetime channel spewing about pulling his weight around the place. But that was just a bunch of bullshit because I have a full staff that caters to every single need I have. Well except sexually. I can get my men on my own, thank you very much.

"Good morning sunshine!" Luka says excitedly. I groaned mumbling a good morning back. My eyeballs felt rubbed raw and my body was bone weary. I've been digging into this thing with Luka and still not even a hint as to who is behind the attacks. I probably only had like eight hours of sleep for this entire week but that don't bother me. I was used to not sleeping. But this morning I can say I feel like crap. My body felt shaky, my nose felt stuffy and my throat felt clogged.

"My god you look like shit," Luka says worriedly resting down the tray he was carrying and rushed over to me. He pressed the back of his hand against my forehead, then my neck.

"You're burning up," he states pushing me back on the bed. I opened my mouth to protest but my throat felt raw and dry. Like my tonsil was swollen three times its size.I tried to say something again but I broke out in a fit of coughs I swear I would hack up a lung.

"Jeez! Drink this," a glass of water was shoved into my hand.

"You sound like you might hack up your lungs or something," Luka adds pushing up the cup until I swallowed about half the glass then he unceremoniously pushed me on my back and pulled the covers back over me.

Damn! I haven't been sick since... huh.. Since the last time Luka was home. "W-where are you going with the food?" I rasped out when he took back up the tray.

"To put this away and make you soup," he replied sauntering away. I could cry right now. If my eyes weren't already hurting like a mofo I would have. The shrimp was gone! The horror!

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