Chapter 2

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The hell!

I felt my bed shift slightly and something brushes my arm.

Oh hell no! I'm not being murdered in my own home on my own bed.

I pulled my gun from its spot beneath my pillow flicking off the safety with my thumb and grabbed the throat of the person on my bed, throwing my legs on either side of their body effectively pinning them down and placed my gun right between their eyes. The body beneath me thrashed around. I press my weight onto the torso of the person on my bed shoving him further into the mattress and squeezed hard.


All of a sudden the thrashing stopped.

Isn't my hit man supposed to be trying to kill me? When my sleep fogged brain cleared I flicked on my bed side lamp with my gun and was greeted by Luka's bewildered face.

"What the fuck Luka?" I shout still sitting on him. He brings up his hand and taps my wrist and I immediately released his throat. He looked a bit scared too. Good, you should be, I thought.

"Fuck Luka, I could have killed you!" I shout again as he sucks in some much needed oxygen.

"S-sorry, I was trying to cover you with the blanket," he wheezed out holding his throat.

"God dammit! Luka, I told you don't touch me when I'm sleeping," I say gripping my hair with my free hand and my gun hand on my head. I feel something hard under my ass.

"Are you seriously hard?" I ask in disbelief although a little thrill went through me.

"You look sexy on top of me with your gun and all," he says casually. Yep, that's the cocky bastard I know.

"Something is fuckin seriously wrong with you man," I muttered climbing off him and shoved my gun back under the pillow cursing up a storm. The perv just watched me as if I just didn't have a gun pressed against his head. My alarm goes off bringing me to a stop.

"I have classes today and you gotta find a place to stay," I say crawling off the bed. Next thing I know I'm flat on my back with Luka hovering over me, bringing our lips inches apart. My heart started racing. I closed my eyes in anticipation feeling his breath fan softly over my face.

"I need to use your shower again," he whispered. My eyes snapped open. The jerk is smirking.

"Yea sure," I say pushing out from under him.

I squeezed my hard on groaning when he left the room. I hate him. No you love him. Oh shut up! Great, now I'm talking to myself. I swiftly made my way to the bathroom when he came back smelling of my body wash with nothing but a towel around his nether region.

I left that room as if Lucifer himself was staring me down. One cold shower later I'm graced with Luka's sexy bare back when I entered my room again dressed in sweats and long sleeves again. I so did not want him to see my tattoos.

"Why aren't you dressed?" I ask him.

"I don't have anything to wear," he states turning around and blatantly stared at me. I sighed loudly and watch an uncertain look cross his face.

"Come on, I'll lend you something. Though my clothes will be a bit tight but, beggars can't be choosers," I say walking past him into my closet.
I pull open some draws and stepped back. I had a very effective color coded system that my clothes are arranged by, also arranged by the stage of dressing, underwear, pants, belts, undershirts, shirts, ties, socks and shoes. From the left the draws contained my underwear, I only wear black or grey so they're separated into two draws black first then grey, my jeans and slacks also from black, then grey then by the color spectrum, you know, red and yellow, green and blue, purple and orange then pink

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