Chapter 6

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Percy P.O.V

I am very confused right now I just saw my old friends. I want to join the army for them but I love being on the run, right now I am on planet Cader to kill the greedy king.

First, the king was nice to his people and made them believe he was good but now he is abusing his people looting them so I decided to eliminate him.

I shadow travelled into the castle and saw a few guards trying to kill a small girl I willed my sword to come out I named one sword mortem and the other one interitus, mortem means death and interitus means destruction.

I quickly chased the guards, one of the guards saw me coming so warned the others, I quickly knocked the first guard then the second guard saw an opening and tried to stab me I quickly blocked the attack with mortem and used interitus to disarm him another guard sneaked upon me from the back I shadow travelled behind him and kicked him in the back.

After finishing all the guards I walked up to the girl but she was really scared.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you my name is Frigus and I'm here to save all of you from the king" I said in a comforting voice it looks like she realised who I am and made an Ohh expression.

" are Frigus my grandmother told me so many stories about you and how you save people" I just smirked at her "Are you here to save us?" she asked.

"Yes! Now you stay here while I deal with your king, I will come back and you take your back to your grandmother" I replied to which she just nodded.

"What is your name?" I asked her.

"My name is Katherine" she responded with a cute big smile on her face.

I went inside the throne room and saw the king full armoured and holding a sword I smirked at him he knew I was here and was waiting for me.

I have many things to do today so I am in no mood for a conversation, I took out my hunting knife threw it at his head and called it back and wiped off all the blood on it.

I use hunting knives cause they are fast, small and accurate they exactly hit the head and they are also easy to clean.

I went outside and found Katherine waiting I went to her lifted her and put her on my shoulder I had to walk out of the castle cause I was carrying Katherine.

When I reached outside I saw all the people waiting outside.

"Now you don't need to worry about your king anymore" I announced to the crowd like all the other people from all the other bad kingdoms they cheered and celebrated the death of their evil ruler.

I walked into the village unnoticed by anyone and reached Katherine's house she was giving me directions from my shoulder I saw the door opened so I went inside I put Katherine down and she caught my hand and took me to back yard.

"Grandma!" Katherine ran to an old woman who was watering plants I went there and saw an old friend.

"Alexa?" I said looking at the old woman.

"Frigus?How are you?" She said.

I met Alexa when I was on planet Kewa she was a teenage girl I told her that I was Percy and she was like a sister to me I used to hang out with her when I get bored but a few years ago she suddenly disappeared I searched for her but I couldn't find her.

"I am fine! How are you here? You just disappeared without even a word" I frowned.

"I know I am sorry about that, my mom and dad died in an accident so I had to leave immediately and after that, I was married" she gave me a huge bear hug.

"I see you even have a granddaughter" I said pointing towards Katherine.

"Oh yes! Thank God you were able to save her! My little princess" Alexa said kissing Katherine on the cheek.

"She was very lucky I was there at the exact time" I said smiling at Katherine.

"So what else happened after I left" Alexa questioned as she saw my smile fade.

"About that, I need a little advice about something" I said looking at Alexa.

She was great at giving advice whenever I was depressed thinking about my father, Hades and Hestia she would help me get over them.

So I told her about chaos army and my friends she listened to me very carefully and Katherine was outside playing.

"Okay you want to be with your friends but you also love your assassin job and now you have confusion about what you should choose" I nodded "Maybe you can have both" She said smirking.

"And how do you propose I do that?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Percy you join the army and whenever you are free you can do your assassinations and your ultimate goal is to save people and in the army, you can do that too but you will have a new team with you saving planets" She explained to me.

This is why I come to her whenever I have some doubt she helps me get past the tough situation like an elder sister.

"Thanks, Alexa! Thank you so much it felt good talking to my elder sister after many years" I said and hugged her.

After playing some time with Katherine and talking to Alexa about her life I left for planet Gaqur.

I had to meet someone here I shadow travelled into the castle throne room.

"Ahhh! Percy how many times have I told you not to do that" Amber yelled at me I stuck my tongue as a response Amber also stuck her tongue out mocking me.

"So why did you come here Ohh almighty Frigus" She said teasing me.

Amber was the queen of Gaqur I helped her save her kingdom from many invasions she was also like a sister to me but like the more fun one, I told her my story and revealed my identity at first she was shocked that Frigus was also Percy Jackson.

Yes in outer space Percy Jackson and his adventures were famous I mean like white House famous.

"I need your help with a problem the mighty queen of Gaqur I beg thee!" I said bowing which resulted in Amber glaring at me she doesn't like formalities just like Chaos, Chaos hates formalities.

I explained the situation to Amber and asked her what should I do about it she raised her hand like a child having a doubt.

"So I thought you said Luke was the bad guy who tried to kill you" Amber questioned.

"No! I told you we all forgave him when he took the knife to kill himself that's why I told you to listen to the story properly" I scolded her glaring at her while she pouted making me laugh.

"Do what you think is the best. No matter what you choose I will always have your back I trust you Percy" she said giving me a confident smile.

"Woah! Woah! All those emotional dialogues don't suit you" I said laughing Amber glared at me but joined me after a few seconds.

We talked some time and ate pancakes, Amber loves video games so every time I visit here we play games until late night but today since I have to leave for the chaos palace to tell my decision by 6:00 pm.

We started playing video games a little early we played for 4 hours and like every other time I won this time, I can move my fingers so fast after that I bid her goodbye.

I shadow travelled to my base and changed my cloak and equipped all my weapons and now I ready with my decision.

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