Chapter 16

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Zoe P.O.V

3 Hours Later

Mal was not kidding when she said that the cabin was big. The inside was way bigger than how it looks on the outside. After entering he cabin we took off our cloaks and rested, well almost all of us.

Percy said he was gonna go train a little but it has been three hours already and we frequently heard screams and the sound of wooden dummies hitting the ground. We knew we had to stop him but everyone was scared.

Me and Mal finally decided to muster up courage and confront him. As we walked into the training room we were shocked on seeing the situation. Percy was slashing wooden dummies into pieces and beside him lay waste some thousands of slashed dummies.  

Mal pulled out the card which when inserted in the socket sort of thing generate the creation magic which produces unlimited dummies. As soon as she pulled them out the dummies vanished into thin air.

Percy turned back to see what happened and honestly he looked like someone who just showered in sweat. He was dripping of sweat and had few bruises on his arms.

"What happened? Put the card back I am in the middle of practicing" he said sending his swords away. "It has been three hours Percy you should take a break" I said with concern laced in my voice.

He looked at me with emotionless eyes and replied "Thank you so much for the information. Now give me back the card" he turned towards Mal and started walking towards her with his hand out.

She refused and slapped his hand away as he tried to take the keys from her. "Ow! What is it that you guys even want? Like can't I pratice in peace" he said rubbing his hand. 

Mal may not look like it but she is almost as strong as Percy when it comes to punches and arm strength. "Just listen to Zoe and take a break and also a bath while you are at it. God you reek!" she said acting like she was gonna vomit.

I looked at Percy saw a hint of that mischievous glimmer in his eyes that he has before he does something really stupid. He looked at Mal and smirked "Oh! you think I reek that makes sense but I am not only one" he said winking at Mal.

Mal knew what was coming but she also knew that it was too late to react now. Mal tried to run away but Percy grabbed her by the waist and hugged her.

She screamed "NO! YUCK GET AWAY FROM ME! Please Percy I just took a bath ewww!"  but it was all in vain as Percy hugged her transferred most of his sweat to her. He finally broke the hug and laughed evily at Mal.

While Mal looked like she was giving her all to not kill him and slash him. "Whoo! Now I have a partner with me who reeks. What do you say my dear reekmate?" Percy laughed clearly trying to anger her more.

But she was not easy. Mal was the only one in the entire army who could handle Percy's craziness and stupidity with patience not even Rhea and Chaos could do that. 

He even managed to snap Rhea who was peacful all the time by pranking her to clean a dog shit using her bare hands Percy almost lost his life that day. Ofcouse Mal got angry at him many times and they quarrel every now and then but she knew how to handle him.

"Idiot now even I have to bath and I just took a bath like a half an hour ago. Why Chaos? Why does this always happen to me? I will definetly get you back for this and also for today's morning how you made me wet".

Mal said and immediately regreted it as she heard cheers and 'ohhhh' sounds from the living room and saw Percy blush "I mean... I didn't mean it tha...shut it you idots I mean how can you guys even hear us and stop that Percy nothing  happended between us in the morning". 

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