Chapter 9

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3rd Person P.O.V

Percy was now fighting Thalia he quickly defeated her by dodging all her arrows and disarm her spear, Thalia did try to hit Percy with a Thunder but Percy doged all of her attacks and just disarmed her.

Next was Luke, all the commanders were waiting for this fight and the next one. Percy and Luke fought for almost 2 minutes that was the highest till now. Luke was totally exhausted but Percy didn't have a drop on sweat.

Luke didn't waste any time the minute the match started he attacked Percy. Percy was startled by this startergy and managed to block the strike and regain his posture. Luke relentlessly attacked. Percy managed block most of them and evade the rest and after a whole of attacking for two minutes.

Luke was barely able to stand he used up all his energy and is out of stamina. Percy took advantaged of this and attacked Luke continously. Luke was barely evading the attacks he finally gave in and Percy disarmed him. Next came Mal.

"You know you are really beautiful" Percy said winking. Mal raised an eyebrow at Percy "the Carmel hair has some look to it" said Percy smirking at the confused face of Mal

"Is he seriously flirting with me before fighting me?" Mal said astonished and looked back at the commanders

"Yeah! It is kind of his thing you know piss off his opponent or flirt with them"  Thalia shouted from behind. Percy rolled his eyes at his cousin. Mal is also a dual sword weilder just like Percy

The minute the match started Percy managed to get into Mal's blind spot and attack but she quickly and escaped with very less damge she immediately attacked Percy and manged to disarm both his swords.

The fight was now intense Mal had the upper hand she has both her swords and managed to disarm Percy. Percy was just dodging her attacks he suddenly took out his hunting knives threw four of them at Mal but she managed to dodge them with ease. 

Percy triped on his feet and fell down Mal sat on top of him with her swords pointed a his neck. All the commanders cheered and clapped for her. Just then Mal got confused on seeing Percy smirk at her and looks around to see three knives pointing straight at her waist and one directly above her.

She  looked at Percy to find him pointing his swords at her and he quickely disarmed her by slashing her swords. Everyone was amazed by the fight. Mal stands up, smiles and gives up. She then offers her hand to Percy to help him get up. He gladly takes her hand and rises from the ground.

Percy's and Mal's fight was the most intense one, well that was obivous she was the best fighter in the army but still Percy defeated her in four and half minutes"So is that everyone?" Percy asked looking at exhausted commanders and breathing heavily himself.

All the commanders groaned tired and exhausted and everyone looked at each other and turned towards Mal and smirked at her, Mal saw this and was about to say something but they quickly spoke up.

"Mal will take you to a tour of the palace" All the commanders shouted at the same time with big smiles on their faces.

"What? Why me?" Mal questioned glaring at the commanders, all of them gulped but Zoe was the one who gathered the courage to talk back.

"You are the 2nd commander so that means you should take the responsibility of explaining everything to the 1st commander" Zoe answered sticking her tongue out.

Mal and Percy were leaving but Mal turned and mouthed to other commanders 'you all are dead' everyone gulped on that. Mal and Percy started their tour as they left the arena.

"This is the living room all the commanders just come here to hang out or just chit chat" she said gesturing to the living room.

Percy was amazed by the size of the living room it was really big and had 4 large couches and 5 small ones where only 3 could sit.

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