Going blue: part 1

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3rd person POV:

Marry: Where the hell is he?!

The Dance began coming to an end, those who wanted to party on went to wreck someone's poor parents' home.

Suzy and Marry, having waited and called Yn for several hours, got no response from him.

Suzy: Do you think he got caught up in some fans trying to take advantage of him?

Marry: I think there was some demon trouble.

Nearby, a male teacher was flirting with a female teacher.

Teacher M: You know... I have a pretty fast car.

Teacher F: Uh-huh.

Teacher M: You see that Mustang over there?

Teacher F:?

Teacher F:(squints) The one with the unconscious student on it?

Teacher M: Yeah- What?

He turns to the car, screaming "MY CAR" gaining the attention of Suzy and Marry, who glance at the car.


Immediately recognizing who was on top of the crash car, they rush towards them, finding an incredibly injured Yn.

Suzy: Oh my god!

Marry: Are you okay?

Yn:(coughs blood)

Marry: A "no" would have been better...

His head had a large gash bleeding down blood. Bruises across his body were covered by his clothing along with his fractures and broken bones.

Yn: I... I broke your sword... Sorry...

He lifts up the broken Rebellion.

Marry: Dipshit, you have bigger issues right now!

Suzy: What happened?

Yn: Lilly...roof... We tied...(coughs blood)

Marry: Suzy, get him to a hospital. I'll make sure there aren't any loose ends.

Calling an ambulance, Suzy watches as Marry takes out her gun, racing to the roof.

(Opening theme)

In a hospital bed, Yn laid.

When Marry arrived on the roof, she found all his weapons laid.

Due to their weight, it was difficult to move them, but eventually, thanks to the frighteningly strong Vanny, she was able to pack everything up.

Suzy, Marry, and Vanny watched Yn slowly wake up.

Yn:... H-how long was I out...?

Marry: A good weekend.

Vanny snuggled up beside Yn after he tried to get up.

Suzy: It's fine, you can rest.

Yn: C-can I have the belt...? I... I can heal if I transform.

Marry: There's a reason you're in the hospital, Yn.


Marry: When I found the belt, it was pulsating demonic energy.

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