Welcome to the Jesus-dome

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3rd person POV:


She is gently placed down by Infrid as he watches her crawl away from him, as her breath was shaky and shallow.


Lilly:(pant)...(pant)... RAAAAHHH!

She screams in rage.

Her breath begins to return to normal as she saw her father's grave.

Lilly: You sick fucking bastard! I can't believe you stuck your cock in that sick BITCH!

Infrid: Are you done? Have calmed down?

Lilly:... Why?

Infrid: Because you must hide and stay hidden.

Lilly: And you?

Infrid: I must fine your half brother. Protect him. Train him.

Lilly: Huh? Why?

Infrid: He's my master's son.

Lilly: And what am I!? You should be serving me!

Infrid: Are you his desired child, or forced child?


Infrid: Not knowing, I've taken care of you out of courtesy.

Infrid: However that was always going to be temporary.

Lilly:... Why can't it be permanent...?

Infrid: Because there is a child of my master, crying out for more power.

Infrid: And I have a duty to answer that call as his father once did for me.

Infrid: Sadly, you aren't the one desiring more power. In fact, you have plenty of it.


Infrid: I suggest you hide so you can peacefully play on that device of yours.

Parting ways with Lilly at her father's grave, Infrid makes his way to Yn, in hopes of giving him the power he seeks to defend his world.

(Opening theme)

Before the dome locked the town in place, Yn and Vanny returned to the RV making a call to an expert.

Marry:(on phone) I was sleeping.

Yn: And I just met Jesus Christ.

Marry:(on phone)... You win this round.

Hearing her get out of bed, and walk over to somewhere, Marry begins to first ask the obvious question...

Marry:(on phone) What happened?

Yn: Jesus literally walked into town with a Warden. So tell me his deal...

Marry:(on phone) Fucking Christ... So he's one of those old devils that are a myth at this point.

Marry:(on phone) You probably know the Bible's bullshit story that resulted in Demon hunters getting hunted after Christ.

Marry:(on phone) His story, actually goes like this...

Marry:(on phone) A demon used powerful magic to resurrect as a "human" baby.

Marry:(on phone) Causing the fabled virgin birth.

Marry:(on phone) The wise old demon hunters weren't sure of the cause, so they kept an eye on him.

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