The Break up: part 3

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3rd person POV:

There was silence as everyone stared at the anomalous situation occurring before their very eyes.

Yn and the Crimson Sin, standing separately from each other after being split in half by Infrid using the Yamato.

Stix; I am so confused! How the hell did you make one guy into two, Infrid!?


Lilly: Well I won't look a gift demon in the mouth. Bring him over.

Infrid:(points at Yn)

Lilly: No. The Crimson Sin, obviously.

Infrid:(looks at Azell)


Dropping the Yamato, Infrid approaches the Crimson Sin who looks up at the Warden.

Crimson Sin:.....(waves)

Picking him up, Infrid leaps over to Lilly, dropping him onto the roof.

Crimson Sin:(dusts himself off)

Yn: Ugh... W-Wait!

Crimson Sin:?

The Sin turns to his human half.

Crimson Sin:!?

Crimson Sin:(touches self)

Crimson Sin:!?

Lilly: Leave this place humans! What you call "School" is now my new Castle!

Student: No more school....? AWESOME!



Most of the students cheer for Lilly as they go home.


Lilly; They didn't like this place? Then why did they constantly come back to it...?

Lilly: Nevermind that... Wardens, make yourself home here. I shall interrogate this new friend of ours.

Picking up the Yamato, Yn swings it, sending a wave of energy that is casually flicked away by Lilly as she teleports the Crimson Sin away with herself.

Deciding to retreat, Marry grabbed Yn and escaped with everyone from the school grounds.

Mark being the one to cover their escape unnecessarily as the Wardens did quite care about them, except for Infrid who had a glare dead set onto the twins.

(Opening theme)

In front of the hell gate, The Crimson Sin stood awkwardly with Lilly staring at him.

Confused and not really knowing what he should do with himself, The Crimson Sin sits on the ground, legs crossed, and looked up at Lilly.


Crimson Sin:...


Crimson Sin:(tilts head)


Crimson Sin:(looks behind himself)

Lilly: Tch...

Lilly:(mind) Hypnosis isn't working.

Lilly: I demand you tell me what you are! Who created you!?

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