The beginning of goodbyes

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3rd person POV:

On the island floating above the sky, Azell was looking down on the town below.

In deep thought, Azell carefully planned out his next moves, to deal with his current predicament.

Jesus: You know... This would go a lot faster if you helped them.

Azell: Someone has to keep an eye on you.

Jesus: Torasus can.

Azell: No, she-

Turning around, Azell found a sickly Torasus clinging to Jesus's arm.

Turning around, Azell found a sickly Torasus clinging to Jesus's arm

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Jesus: Oh, I think she can.

She nuzzled Jesus as he groped her behind, pulling her closer.

Azell: What did you do?

Jesus: I just gave her the Christ charm, and she couldn't resist.

Azell: Literally?


Azell: Release your spell.

Jesus: I would... Really, I would. But without my Medallion, my abilities have become quite unstable.

Jesus: So even if I tried, it most likely wouldn't work...

Azell:... I see.

Nodding, the leader of the Warden's understood what was occurring with Jesus.

Azell: How does it feel being without that trinket?

Azell: Is your blood boiling? Are your bones crumbling?

Jesus: What are you implying?

Azell: You've become reliant on that medallion, haven't you. It's saved you enough time that without it...

Azell: You're afraid. That's why you aren't getting your hands dirty.

Jesus:(chuckles)... Afraid of what?

Azell: The Sin and his serpent Devil.

Azell: They're too big of a wild card for you to feel safe.

Jesus:... Believe what you want, in the end, I'm still powerful enough to kill everyone in this dome.

Azell: Jesus, defeating you is as simple as waiting patiently.

Jesus: Patiently for what?

Azell: For your fears to come true.

Jesus:... Hahahaha! I did not miss talking to you. Now excuse me, while I play with Torasus.


Jesus:... Tch... Wish I could have gotten the better-looking girl, but you'll do.

(Opening theme)

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