Is this the price for Power?

753 50 13

3rd person POV:

Several hours have passed since the town was cut off from the rest of the world and plunged into demonic darkness with Jesus Christ as the cause and enjoyer of this chaos.

Most people have gone to their houses and locked themselves inside, leaving the place into a ghost town with the Wardens patrolling the streets.

Lazily... But patrolling nonetheless, since with Lilly gone, they would have no problem taking control of Hell.

But the issue becomes if Jesus will let them go back to hell or force them to serve like Lilly.

Yn and Vanny during this were coming up with a plan until they found a restaurant that was for some reason still open.

Curious, but mostly hungry, they went to investigate.

Entering, they found the now rouge Warden in wait for him.

Entering, they found the now rouge Warden in wait for him

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Infrid: I see you deciphered all my clues.

Yn:... Yeah... We did that.

Infrid: Sit, please.

Yn:... Pfft.

Walking over, Yn kicks a chair, flipping it through the air. As it lands, he sits on it, propping his feet onto the table.

Yn: Since you're the first demon to buy me dinner... How can I help you?

Infrid: I would first like to apologize first... I'm sorry.

Yn: Wow, that's practically a first too!

Infrid: You might not know this... But I was a student of your father.


Infrid: If I had known early, I would have immediately approached you and your brother.

Infrid: But what's done, is done.

Yn: Ain't that truth... So, any time you can cut to the chase would be highly appreciated.

Yn: Become if you haven't noticed...

Vanny: The town is in big, big trouble!

Yn: Exactly.

Infrid: I understand. That's why I am here. Allow me to train you.

Yn:(sigh)... Dude, playing the drums won't help me!

Infrid; Not in technique... But in power.

Infrid: I've come to possess something that will aid you in gaining power.

Infrid; Enough to take on the Wardens... And if mastered... Surpass your father and sister.


Yn: And what is this thing you got?

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