Chapter 3 of SDR2, Part 1: Mono, the Ultimate Abusive Father? 😰

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"One, two! One, two! And through and through
      The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
      He went galumphing back."

The next morning, Kaito sat next to Saihara.

"Friend... what we witnessed yesterday was weird."


Everybody stared in horror at what had just happened. This was the most gruesome, grotesque thing they had ever witnessed. Kaede fainted, falling into Kibo's arms, Kokichi clasped a hand over his mouth to stop himself puking, Saihara pulled Kaito close to him and Rantaro screamed. Keebo finds himself taking a few steps back in shock, only to hit the wall. Angie was weeping silently. Tenko was hiding behind a curtain. Neko and Maki tried to look calm, but you could see how disturbed they were. Miu actually did look calm. Haven looked nauseous and Angelica looked horrified.

"So my youngest blackened was ten. What a tragic waste!" said Mono.

"I agree!" said Naomi.

End Flashback

"However," said Saihara. "The first execution was horrible!"

Flashback 2

Everyone looked at the corpse.

Kirumi was lying on the table, blood seeping from her mouth. Her clothes were all torn and ruined. It looked like someone had thrown a balloon filled with bright pink paint at the table and laid her on top of it. The bear cubs had disemboweled her.

Add that with the dishwasher poisoning her and the shards of porcelain cutting her from the inside out, and you get a very, very, very nasty way to go.

Kaito and Kaede both were horribly upset. Tenko screamed in surprise and Angie lost all the color in her face. Neko was frozen in place, horrified at what she'd witnessed. Miu was weeping silently while Kiyo (or Goku, to give his real name) ran off screen and threw up.

"So that's what getting punished actually entails," sighed Kibo.

Kee and Rantaro both hugged each other. Angelica looked nauseous and Haven looked horrified.

Shuichi, Maki, and Himiko tried to keep calm, but you could see how disturbed they were.

Kokichi only said, "Gross." in his most nonchalant voice ever.

The Mono Cubs (as they were called) had also been splattered with Kirumi's blood! That didn't help, either.

A certain pink bunny also had watched. This was Naomi.

"At least you all now know how severe this game can get!" Mono pointed out.

End Flashback 2

"Time for a story!" said Mono.

He got a TV.

He then inserted a VHS Tape into the TV.

A movie started...

"The Wizard of Naomi." was the title.

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