Chapter 3 of S Part 2: Maru the Killer 😲

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My boat is full, why don't you swim?
Enjoy my fortress, I'll be right in
I stare a hole through danger's soul
We all know
I can do this, eyes closed
I refuse to fail
So heed this cautionary tale
You've got dragons, my little friend
You'll conquer them in the end
If you can, haha..."

Maru ran to the bathroom to clean up, hoping nobody would discover the body and he wouldn't die.

Sure enough, the body got found.

And sure enough a class trial began.


"Welcome back to the class Trial," said Mono.

"Now who killed Morgan? Who ever draws a stick out of this bag killed her!"

Maru drove his hand into the bag. "Please be not me. Please be not me," He frantically pleaded before he drew a stick out.

The verdict wheel landed on his sprite.

A silhouette of the blackened appears, and Ellen says the blackened is Maru.

"Now the execution of the third trial will begin." said Mono.

"No!" said Maru, crying.

"Now then, I've prepared a special punishment for the Ultimate Artist." said Mono.

"It's Ultimate Kindhearted Artist!" said Maru, through sobs.

"Or Ultimate Kindhearted Artist, as he would prefer!" Mono yelled out his correction.

Mono then began to drag the artist.

"No! Why did you do this to me?" He screamed to Mono as he was dragged. "I didn't mean to kill Morgan! Keebo forced me to kill her! And yet you blackened me! Why?! WHY?!"

Keebo laughed at Maru. "Serves you right!" He said. "You wrote a horrible story about me!"



MARU has been found guilty. Time for the punishment!"


Maru was standing on a platform.

His hands were tied behind his back.

"Picture Perfect

Ultimate Kindhearted Artist Maru's Execution: Executed."

In the center of the platform was a pole.

There was a sheet of paper.

Next to the paper were crayons.

And there was a time limit of 1 hour.

There was a metal fence around the platform, and from behind said gate were the students!

Apparently, this is what happened in every execution: the students watching from the sidelines as the blackened went through the execution.

Maru knew that his hands were tied behind his back, so he used his mouth to pick up a red crayon.

Maru slowly drew a circle on the paper. As time goes on, the more nervous Maru gets as the time limit ticks away.

Eventually, only 1 minute was left.

Covered in sweat, Maru looked at the finished circle.

He spat out the crayon and held the paper in his mouth!

"Finished!" the artist said, or rather didn't say because paper was in his mouth.

He wiped sweat off his face.

But suddenly, fireworks, swinging axes and a flying, sticky, liquid like, clear substance appeared!

A gust of wind blew and it blew the picture on the other side!

"I gotta get my picture back!" said Maru.

Dodging fireworks, axes and the flying liquid (apparently it was acid), Maru ran across the deadly platform.

Eventually, Maru stopped in front of his paper.

The platform hadn't killed him. However it hadn't been merciful enough to allow him to escape unscathed.

His clothes were all torn and ruined.

He knelt down, next to the piece of paper.

"Phew, I found you!" He said.

But suddenly Zolkoff walked out of the shadows, holding a gun. He was accompanied by Mono, holding a remote control with two buttons.

"Let us see you survive this!" Mono said
"Why?" asked Maru. He never got any further than his last ever spoken word.

For he was suddenly shot in the chest by Zolkoff

Maru's blood sprayed everywhere. "I'd better finish the job!" said Mono.

He pressed the first button on the remote.

A chain appeared from inside the pole and clamped around Maru's neck. 

Mono then pressed the second button.

Mono and Zolkoff disappeared. The platform fell down and disappeared, somehow missing everyone else.

Though he was previously shot in the chest, Maru was still alive. His legs gave their final few kicks as the Ultimate Kindhearted Artist was slowly hanged and he died.

The last thing Maru ever saw was both Tsumugi and Yoko watching in horror, tears running down their faces.


Monokuma cheered. "That was extreme. Adrenaline is filling every inch of my body!"

Emerald turned to face him.

"That was a heartbreakingly good execution!" She said. "It was beautifully made, and the ending was just perfect. I loved the idea of Maru dying in front of all of us, and even better, he got hanged!"

"I wonder if she is just as much of a psycho as Mono is," said Ellen, disturbed. "Or if she's the most optimistic girl on the planet."

"She's ambiguously evil, that's for sure." said Akane.

Victims: Lucy, Tasha, Morgan

Execution Order: Cherry, Sianne, Maru

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